- 0
Broken person visualization
#240 opened by karindalziel - 2 integration
#239 opened by jduss4 - 0
Update site documentation
#236 opened by jduss4 - 0
<faith> is not being displayed on person page
#235 opened by kacinash - 0
check data download pages for github links
#234 opened by jduss4 - 7
Case file character encoding
#221 opened by techgique - 1
Every page has the same title
#233 opened by karindalziel - 1
- 1
- 3
Multiple document subcategories
#197 opened by jduss4 - 6
subSubCategory for Exhibits
#181 opened by kacinash - 2
If/Then for Relationships Visualization?
#187 opened by kacinash - 20
Create Solr Query for Maiden Names
#182 opened by kacinash - 8
Rethink/implement indexing system
#201 opened by karindalziel - 1
- 0
use strong parameters in documents controller
#224 opened by jduss4 - 3
add ref type related.doc
#220 opened by kacinash - 1
- 0
Create touch icons
#225 opened by karindalziel - 9
Dates with no year are not displaying properly.
#196 opened by kacinash - 0
update gems for vulnerabilities
#222 opened by jduss4 - 2
transformation for <gap> tag has randomly changed
#219 opened by kacinash - 1
error when searching blank documents
#217 opened by jduss4 - 6
"Document" in Document View
#199 opened by kacinash - 2
extra space in ref links
#212 opened by kacinash - 6
bibl italics are not working for all
#213 opened by kacinash - 6
Print Stylesheets
#203 opened by karindalziel - 0
Add icon for offsite links
#216 opened by karindalziel - 1
- 1
Write up production deployment instructions
#191 opened by jduss4 - 1
Claims for Freedom for Case Page
#183 opened by kacinash - 0
Update rsolr_cdrh Gem
#210 opened by techgique - 4
Outcome - don't pull empty field
#198 opened by kacinash - 2
How to encode <pb> with no images?
#200 opened by kacinash - 2
Add placeName to Jurisdiction for CCDC cases
#192 opened by kacinash - 2
Search sorts keep changing
#204 opened by kacinash - 1
"1 Related Cases"
#195 opened by kacinash - 0
new css for note type="footnote"
#202 opened by kacinash - 3 relationships misidentified
#179 opened by kacinash - 3
Lightbox Isn't Working on CDRHsites
#174 opened by kacinash - 3
- 2
Relationships for per.000714
#180 opened by kacinash - 0
- 4
Rework <unclear> and <gap> tags.
#186 opened by kacinash - 2
Empty rows on People Index
#184 opened by kacinash - 0
<hi> sub and sup not styled
#185 opened by kacinash - 1
per.000790 in solr not the same as per.000790 in rdf
#173 opened by jduss4 - 0
Create a Subcategory for Exhibits
#176 opened by kacinash - 1
typo in Joe Thompson case
#178 opened by lweakly - 4
<em> isn't working on CaseID page
#175 opened by kacinash