
add support for gzipped BED/text files across all tools

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As we work with increasingly large input BED/GFF coordinate files in our analysis, support for gzipped input becomes increasingly important for efficient and optimized use of computing resources. Ultimately all tools that use any flat text input file format should support their gzipped versions (BED, GFF, TAB, FASTA, FASTQ).

  • Prioritize TagPileup
  • Add a GUI tool for gzipping and unzipping files
  • Modify FileSelector to include file filters that allow for both the regular (unzipped extensions) and their gzipped counterparts
  • Move through rest of tools...

Tools with BED input/output...


  • Aggregate Data
  • TagPileup (v0.14)
  • Scale Matrix
  • Scaling Factor
  • Similarity Matrix

Coordinate Manipulation

  • ExpandBED/GFF (v0.14)
  • Sort BED/GFF
  • BED-to-GFF
  • GFF-to-BED
  • Shift BED/GFF (v0.14)

Sequence Analysis

  • DNA-shape-from-BED
  • DNA-shape-from-FASTA
  • FASTA extract
  • Randomize FASTA
  • Search Motif

Peak Analysis

  • Peak Align to Ref
  • Filter Peak by Proximity
  • Tile Genome
  • Random Coordinate
  • Signal Duplication

Figure Generation

  • Two Color Heatmap (v0.14)
  • Three Color Heatmap (v0.14)
  • Four Color Sequence
  • Label Heatmap
  • Merge Heatmap
  • Plot Composite

BAM Format Converter (Output GZip)

  • BAM to BED
  • BAM to GFF
  • BAM to BedGraph
  • BAM to ScIdx

Peak Calling

  • Gene Track
  • Peak Pair

File Utilities

  • Convert Chr Names
  • Compress File
  • Decompress File
  • MD5 Checksum

BAM Statistics

  • N/A on all tools

BAM Manipulation

  • N/A on all tools