
Dependencies file with tag files and the resulting doxygen "dxy" file

Closed this issue · 3 comments

With the fix b9ee8c6 a fix (by @sloriot) was made to fix the issue:

error: Tag file '.../doc_tags/Lab.tag' does not exist or is not a file. Skipping it...

when building the documentation of the (not really supported) Three package.
The fix as is is correct and worked for a clean build, but when using an existing build it didn't work as the Three.dxy configuration file was not rebuild and a remake of the cmake files was not triggered.
The change was made in the file Three/doc/Tree/dependencies and this is not listed as a dependency to regenerate the Three.dxy

In an email discussion it was pointed out by @lrineau that:

The answer is probably

The solution lies probably in Documentation/doc/CMakeLists.txt where a configuration dependency between:
${depend}/doc/${depend}/dependencies and ${CGAL_DOC_DXY_DIR}/${depend}.dxy has to be created, where depend is a package name).

I was bitten by that bug, and it made me loss minutes of work. So I fixed it in the unrelated PR #8248 (commit 50d7aba).

I was bitten by that bug, and it made me loss minutes of work. So I fixed it in the unrelated PR #8248 (commit 50d7aba).

Should be fixed in CGAL master, now. @albert-github, do you confirm the bug is fixed?

I did a quick test.

  • build the documentation
  • change the dependencies and build the documentation
    • CMake was automatically rerun
    • the new dependencies were present
  • undo the change in the dependencies and build the documentation
    • CMake was automatically rerun
    • the old dependencies were present

This confirms to me that this problem is fixed.