2023 WI UCSD CSE240A final projects. Implemented 2 typical branch predictor along with one designed custom predictor.
These predictors will make predictions based on traces of real programs. Each line in the trace file contains the address of a branch in hex as well as its outcome (Not Taken = 0, Taken = 1):
<Address> <Outcome>
Sample Trace from int_1:
0x40d7f9 0
0x40d81e 1
0x40d7f9 1
0x40d81e 0
We provide test traces to you to aid in testing your project but we strongly suggest that you create your own custom traces to use for debugging.
The custom predictor outperforms G-share and Tournament generally. Somebody told me using perceptron only could be better but I'm tired.
In order to build your predictor you simply need to run make
in the src/ directory of the project. You can then run the program on an uncompressed trace as follows:
./predictor <options> [<trace>]
If no trace file is provided then the predictor will read in input from STDIN. Some of the traces we provided are rather large when uncompressed so we have distributed them compressed with bzip2 (included in the Docker image). If you want to run your predictor on a compressed trace, then you can do so by doing the following:
bunzip2 -kc trace.bz2 | ./predictor <options>
In either case the <options>
that can be used to change the type of predictor
being run are as follows:
--help Print usage message
--verbose Outputs all predictions made by your
mechanism. Will be used for correctness
--<type> Branch prediction scheme. Available
types are:
gshare:<# ghistory>
tournament:<# ghistory>:<# lhistory>:<# index>
An example of running a gshare predictor with 10 bits of history would be:
bunzip2 -kc ../traces/int1_bz2 | ./predictor --gshare:10
ghistoryBits // Indicates the length of Global History kept
The Gshare predictor is characterized by XORing the global history register with the lower bits (same length as the global history) of the branch's address.
ghistoryBits // Indicates the length of Global History kept
lhistoryBits // Indicates the length of Local History kept in the PHT
pcIndexBits // Indicates the number of bits used to index the PHT
Tournament Predictor popularized by the Alpha 21264 implemented.
ghistoryBits // Indicates the length of Global History kept
lhistoryBits // Indicates the length of Local History kept in the PHT
pcIndexBits // Indicates the number of bits used to index the PHT
Our custom predictor uses a perceptron as choice predictor. Refer to the project report for more information.
All history should be initialized to NOTTAKEN. History registers should be updated by shifting in new history to the least significant bit position.
Ex. 4 bits of history, outcome of next branch is NT
Result: NT T NT NT
All 2-bit predictors should be initialized to WN (Weakly Not Taken).
They should also have the following state transitions:
-----> -----> ----->
<----- <----- <-----
The Choice Predictor used to select which predictor to use in the Alpha 21264 Tournament predictor should be initialized to Weakly select the Global Predictor.