

Closed this issue · 6 comments

@marubashi11 の環境で発生,
不正パケットの送信があったとコンソール出力があり ,以後唐突に終了する.
同一環境にて私のマシン( 4.4.0-97-generic)では発生せず. Linuxカーネル4.11系環境下(Ubuntu16.04-hwe-edge)にて発生.

open-rdc/orne_navigation#14 にも


との報告がみられるが, 出典がないため詳細不明.


[ERROR] [1508385744.218176146]: Couldn't open joystick /dev/input/js0. Will retry every second.
[openUSB-2] process has died [pid 22676, exit code 1, cmd /home/marubashi/fifth_ws/src/fifth_robot_pkg/src/fifth_robot_pkgs/fifth_robot_launcher/shell/ __name:=openUSB __log:=/home/marubashi/.ros/log/4fde6164-b482-11e7-9a7d-a8137493dc16/openUSB-2.log].
log file: /home/marubashi/.ros/log/4fde6164-b482-11e7-9a7d-a8137493dc16/openUSB-2*.log
[ypspur_coordinator-3] process has died [pid 22678, exit code 127, cmd /home/marubashi/fifth_ws/src/fifth_robot_pkg/src/third_party/ypspur_ros_bridge/scripts/ -p /home/marubashi/fifth_ws/src/fifth_robot_pkg/src/fifth_robot_pkgs/fifth_robot_launcher/ypspur_params/fifth_robot.param -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-T-frog_project_T-frog_Driver-if00 __name:=ypspur_coordinator __log:=/home/marubashi/.ros/log/4fde6164-b482-11e7-9a7d-a8137493dc16/ypspur_coordinator-3.log].
log file: /home/marubashi/.ros/log/4fde6164-b482-11e7-9a7d-a8137493dc16/ypspur_coordinator-3*.log


chmod 777 /dev/serial/by-id/(デバイス)



error (copy).txt

Please tell me if this link can't open.
(Sorry, now I can't enter Japanese.)

marubashi@ubuntu-CFSZ6-1L:/fifth_ws$ ls
build devel src
/fifth_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
marubashi@ubuntu-CFSZ6-1L:/fifth_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
/fifth_ws$ rosrun fifth_robot_launcher
chmod: cannot access '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-T-frog_project_T-frog_Driver-if00': No such file or directory
marubashi@ubuntu-CFSZ6-1L:/fifth_ws$ rosrun fifth_robot_launcher
/fifth_ws$ roslaunch fifth_robot_launcher teleop.launch
... logging to /home/marubashi/.ros/log/311b9ea4-b4a5-11e7-a453-a8137493dc16/roslaunch-ubuntu-CFSZ6-1L-18332.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://ubuntu-CFSZ6-1L:34661/



  • /joy_node/autorepeat_rate: 20
  • /joy_node/deadzone: 0.3
  • /joy_node/dev: /dev/input/js0
  • /rosdistro: kinetic
  • /rosversion: 1.12.7
  • /teleop_twist_joy/axis_angular: 0
  • /teleop_twist_joy/axis_linear: 1
  • /teleop_twist_joy/enable_button: 8
  • /teleop_twist_joy/enable_turbo_button: 10
  • /teleop_twist_joy/scale_angular: 1.0
  • /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear: 1.0
  • /teleop_twist_joy/scale_linear_turbo: 2.0

joy_node (joy/joy_node)
openUSB (fifth_robot_launcher/
teleop_master_node (teleop_master/teleop_master_node)
teleop_twist_joy (teleop_twist_joy/teleop_node)
ypspur_coordinator (ypspur_ros_bridge/
ypspur_ros_bridge (ypspur_ros_bridge/

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [18343]

setting /run_id to 311b9ea4-b4a5-11e7-a453-a8137493dc16
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [18356]
started core service [/rosout]
process[openUSB-2]: started with pid [18367]
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
process[ypspur_coordinator-3]: started with pid [18375]
Ver. 1.14.0
with SSM

SSM is not available.
Device Information
Port : /dev/serial/by-id/usb-T-frog_project_T-frog_Driver-if00
process[ypspur_ros_bridge-4]: started with pid [18377]
process[teleop_master_node-5]: started with pid [18379]
process[joy_node-6]: started with pid [18380]
process[teleop_twist_joy-7]: started with pid [18388]
[openUSB-2] process has died [pid 18367, exit code 1, cmd /home/marubashi/fifth_ws/src/fifth_robot_pkg/src/fifth_robot_pkgs/fifth_robot_launcher/shell/ name:=openUSB log:=/home/marubashi/.ros/log/311b9ea4-b4a5-11e7-a453-a8137493dc16/openUSB-2.log].
log file: /home/marubashi/.ros/log/311b9ea4-b4a5-11e7-a453-a8137493dc16/openUSB-2*.log
Warn: Baudrate setting is not supported on this device.
Applying parameters.
YP-Spur coordinator started.
Warn: Illegal packet 'SS038400' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '04T' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'SS038400' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '04T' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'SS038400' received.
Trajectory control loop started.
Warn: Illegal packet '04T' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'F@@@A@' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'FP@@@@@C' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '@@@@@Bb' received. Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received. Warn: Illegal packet '' received. Warn: Illegal packet 'Ap@@@@@O' received. Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received. Warn: Illegal packet '' received. Warn: Illegal packet 'AP@@@@@O' received. Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received. Warn: Illegal packet '' received. Warn: Illegal packet 'F@@@A@' received. Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received. Warn: Illegal packet '' received. Command analyzer started. Warn: Illegal packet 'FP@@@@@C' received. Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received. Warn: Illegal packet '' received. Warn: Illegal packet '@@@@@bb' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'F@@@@@fp' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'Ep@@br
@' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'DPCmP' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'Ap@@@@@o' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'AP@@@@@o' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'F@@@A@' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'FP@@@@@C' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '@@@@@Bb' received. Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received. Warn: Illegal packet '' received. Warn: Illegal packet 'F@@@@@FP' received. Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received. Warn: Illegal packet '' received. Warn: Illegal packet 'Ep@@BR_@' received. Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received. Warn: Illegal packet '' received. Warn: Illegal packet 'F@@@@@FP' received. Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received. Warn: Illegal packet '' received. Warn: Illegal packet 'DPGmP' received. Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received. Warn: Illegal packet '' received. Warn: Illegal packet 'ED@@@@@' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'DpG|Kw@' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'EpD@BR
@' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'Ep@@br
@' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'DPCmP' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'AP@@@@@o' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'F@@@@@fp' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'DPGmP' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'E`D@@@@@' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'DpG|Kw@' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'EpD@BR
@' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'Ep@@BR_@' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'DPCmP' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Warn: Illegal packet 'F@@@@@fp' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '0Ee' received.
Warn: Illegal packet '' received.
Connection to /dev/serial/by-id/usb-T-frog_project_T-frog_Driver-if00 was closed.
Trajectory control loop stopped.
[ypspur_coordinator-3] process has died [pid 18375, exit code 1, cmd /home/marubashi/fifth_ws/src/fifth_robot_pkg/src/third_party/ypspur_ros_bridge/scripts/ -p /home/marubashi/fifth_ws/src/fifth_robot_pkg/src/fifth_robot_pkgs/fifth_robot_launcher/ypspur_params/fifth_robot.param -d /dev/serial/by-id/usb-T-frog_project_T-frog_Driver-if00 __name:=ypspur_coordinator __log:=/home/marubashi/.ros/log/311b9ea4-b4a5-11e7-a453-a8137493dc16/ypspur_coordinator-3.log].
log file: /home/marubashi/.ros/log/311b9ea4-b4a5-11e7-a453-a8137493dc16/ypspur_coordinator-3*.log

私のVostroと @dorayaki0903yamamoto のLavieなら動くはずです.

Advanced setting for ubuntu