
Human detector package for Tshukuba Challenge

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

human_detector Build Status Slack


Human detector packages for Tshukuba Challenge indluding detector, sensor tuning and human model.

  • target_obejct_detector : Core program for human detection.
  • fake_target_detector : Fake detector for debugging.
  • point_cloud_reducer : Reduce the number of points in the cloud to discrease computation time if needed.
  • human_model_gazebo : Human model (URDF) to be detected in GAZEBO.


1. Create catkinized workspace.
2. Clone this repository.
$ cd <catkin_ws>/src
$ git clone https://github.com/CIR-KIT/human_detector.git
3. Download required packages by wstool.
$ cd <catkin_ws>
$ wstool init src
$ wstool merge -t src src/human_detector/human_detector.rosinstall
$ wstool update -t src
4. Download depended packages by rosdep.
$ cd <catkin_ws>
$ rosdep install -i -r -y --from-paths src --ignore-src
5. Build packages, and set the path for the packages.
$ cd <catkin_ws>
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash


Human detection

Actual detection :
roslaunch target_object_detector target_object_detector.launch
Fake detaction:

You can utilied fake_target_detector to assume a target is virtually detected, if you just check navigation behaivior without actual human detection.

A virtually detected target human point can be set by clicking a point in a map with Publish point in Rviz.

The following command shows a coordinate of clicked point.

rostopic echo /clicked_point

Save the coordinate x, y totargetlist/targetlist.csv (a sample file).

To place an virtual target, run the following command.

rosrun fake_target_detector fake_target_detector

Bounding boxes will be showin at positions specified in targetlist.csv and the virtually detected positions are also to be published.

Common specification :

Satisfying all of the following conditions invoke approching to a target.

  • A currently reached waypoint is placed in detecting area.
  • A target human is within 5 [m] from the robot.
  • The target is NOT close to points where other targets are previously detected.

Usage in GAZEBO

1. Start GAZEBO world with human models.

roslaunch third_robot_2dnav_gazebo autorun_with_human.launch

2. Tune robot position with 2D Pose Estimate on Rviz.

3. Move Human models to an arbitary place on Rviz, if needed.

4. Run detector.

roslaunch target_object_detector target_object_detector.launch