Final Project

CIS 565: GPU Programming and Architecture

University of Pennsylvania

Fall 2019

Final Projects Overview Presentation

The final project gives you an opportunity to embark on a large GPU programming endeavor of your choice. You are free to select an area in graphics, GPU computing, or both.

You can

  • fulfill a real need in the community,
  • explore a new API,
  • reproduce the results of recent research,
  • add a novel extension to existing work, or
  • implement something completely original.

Expect this to be 2-3x more work than the hardest project this semester. The best projects will require a time commitment of at least 100-125 hours per student. It will be worth it.


  • Form teams of two or three students. Each team member will receive the same grade. Teams of four will be considered, but will be expected to build something truly amazing like this.
    • Teams of one are discouraged and will only be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Use GitHub. We encourage, but do not require, you to develop in a public repo as open source.
  • Programming language, graphics and compute APIs, and target platforms are up to you.
  • You are allowed to use existing code and libraries. These should be prominently credited and your code should be easily identifiable. Be incredibly clear about what is your work and what is not.

Project Ideas


  • Add custom de-noising algorithms to Path Tracer and/or DXR
  • Used everywhere real-time ray/path-tracing is used
  • Buzz in all of rendering community
  • Can put you in touch with Alain Galvan (Nov 20 guest speaker)

DirectX Raytracing

  • Real-time rendering pipeline + add ons


Machine Learning / Deep Learning

The field is open and vast. You can suggest everything from improving computer vision to page rank and so on. Pretty much everything is on the table for this.

Mesh Segmentation and Classification

Note: Shehzan can help with source data.

WebGPU - Next-generation 3D Graphics on the Web



  • glTF 2.0 PBR renderer for WebGPU
  • Vulkan backend for WebGPU
  • CUDA rasterizer backend for WebGPU
  • Tensorflow operators using WebGPU compute shaders
  • Anything to help with WebGPU design


  • Prototype a graphics engine in C++/OpenGL ES and "compile" it for the web using WebAssembly. Provide benchmarks.
  • Answer the question: how can an existing JavaScript codebase use WebAssembly? Rewrite the whole thing in C++? Rewrite hot fine-grained modules, e.g., matrix and vector types? Rewrite hot coarse-grained modules, e.g., the physics engine?

Also talk to Austin Eng, who used WebAssembly for his Senior Design, and now is a part of the Chrome team. Austin will also be a guest speaker on 11/26.


glTF Working Group is working to introduce a fully physically based material model. Would be amazing to integrate this with other engines as a prototype. I can introduce you to the people at the forefront of the specification and the Working Group.

3D Tiles Runtime for Unity

Collaborate with Cesium on creating a 3D Tiles runtime for Unity. Leverage the glTF importer to bring in massive mesh and point cloud datasets into Unity.

Disclosure: Shehzan works for Cesium.


Build something with gpu.js:

gpu.js is a JavaScript Acceleration library for GPGPU (General purpose computing on GPUs) in Javascript. gpu.js will automatically compile simple JavaScript functions into shader language and run them on the GPU.


3D Mapping WebGL Engine

Disclosure: Shehzan works for Cesium.

Integration with three.js and other engines

Expand on to fully explore integrating Cesium with other WebGL engines such as three.js and BabylonJS - both by overlaying two canvases and by combining the rendering loop.

Ocean rendering

Improve the quality of the global-scale ocean/water rendering in Cesium. Add any required WebGL 2 features to Cesium.



Open Issues

Suggested features from BabylonJS Team:

  • Cascaded Shadows
  • Area Lights
  • Real time environment filtering



Contribute to renderdoc.

In Defense of Batching

Does batching still help with Vulkan? If so, when it is worth it?

Domain-specific shading languages

Create a domain-specific shading language targeting SPIR-V. Perhaps a language tuned for CSG, voxels, or ray marching.

Utility library

Implement a new abstraction layer using Vulkan that is higher level than Vulkan, but lower level than, for example, Unity.

Multithreaded Engine

Prototype a small engine with multithreading for LOD and culling.

Tutorial Series

Write a Vulkan for OpenGL developers tutorial series.


  1. Performance analysis of porting an engine to VR
    • Naive stereo rendering vs. multi-view
  2. Implement barrel distortion and chromatic aberration filters with optimizations
    • In practice, use filters from VR vendors to avoid making users sick
  3. More precise object culling with a volume derived from the hidden area mesh
    • Is this practical and useful?
  4. In each eye, most of the same fragments will pass the depth test, can this coherence be used to optimize?
    • Evaluate the checkerboard stencil in radial density masking as a general optimization
  5. Does it have better visual quality than rendering a scene at half-resolution and upsampling with only a nominal cost?
    • Expand radial density masking / fixed foveated rendering to apply geometric/material LOD to objects in the periphery
  6. Implement a simulation for avoiding judder
  7. Compare async timewarp, spacewarp, and late orientation warping, and heuristics for selecting between them
  8. Improve spacewarp with a sparse voxel octree
    • Not sure if this will work, but perhaps could improve occlusion artifacts at a reasonable performance and memory cost

CUDA / GPU Computing

3D Machine Learning

3D Machine Learning = Computer Vision + Graphics + Machine Learning

Autonomous Cars and Simulation

GPU accelerate parts of autonomous cars.

Embedded Systems

Use Jetson kits for interesting applications in computer vision, autonomous vehicles, drones, robotics etc.

See success stories.

Ps. You may need to procure hardware, but we can help with references.


Please do not propose yet-another-CUDA-fluid/smoke/cloth simulation unless it has a unique spin such as using

  • Vulkan compute shader
  • NXT compute shader
  • Multi-GPU
  • A very sophisticated simulation

Likewise, please do not propose extend-my-CUDA-path-tracer-with-these-n-effects unless it is truly unique.

Previous Semesters

For inspiration, browse the CIS 565 final projects from previous semesters:

A guideline is that your project should be better than last semester's projects; that is how we move the field forward.

Selected Projects

Conferences and Journals

Browse these for ideas galore!

Also look at the course website for more resources.


Wednesday 11/6 - Project Pitch

Sign up for a time slot ASAP. Only team member names are needed to sign up.

Your project pitch is a 15-minute meeting with Shehzan, and the TAs, and a write-up no longer than one page that includes an overview of your approach with specific goals and weekly milestones for 11/18, 11/25, 12/02, and 12/9. First, focus on why there is a need for your project. Then describe what exactly you are going to do. In addition to your write-up, provide supplemental figures, images, or videos.

Think of your pitch as if you are trying to get a startup funded, convincing your company to start a new project, or responding to a grant. For an example, see Forward+ Renderer using OpenGL/Compute Shaders by Bradley Crusco and Megan Moore (this example pitch does not include weekly milestones, which is new this semester).

Before 11/4 5:00pm:

  • Make a Piazza post with your one page pitch (attach a PDF) and any supplemental material to Instructors by 5:00pm on Monday 11/04. Sooner is better. To really hit a home run, consider prototyping something before the meeting.
    • Use the subject as [CIS 565 2019 Final Project] Name1, Name2, Name3. Include a project/team name, if chosen.

You are free to start working on your project before the pitch. As long as you have followed the guidelines, it is more than likely that your project will be approved. We may ask you to tweak it, move the milestones etc.

After the meeting:

  • Push your pitch to a new GitHub repo for your project.
  • Add the names of the team members, a project name (if any) and the link to the Github repository (if open source) to the List of Final Projects.

On or before 11/10:

  • Choose your shadow team.
  • Shadow teams must be used for practicing presentations and good for getting presentation content/timing into shape. Shadow teams may be used for bouncing technical ideas.
  • Plan to meet once weekly for 30-60 minutes
  • Ideally, your shadow team should be working on a similar idea for their final project

Monday 11/18 - Milestone 1

Your first presentation should be 4 minutes. Present your work-in-progress. Your presentation should include a few slides, plus videos, screenshots, or demos if possible. Be sure to

  • Demonstrate working code (videos and screenshots are OK; it doesn’t have to be live).
  • Provide a roadmap with future weekly milestones up to and including the final presentation on Monday, December 9.

See the Cesium Presenter's Guide for tips on presenting. Be sure to present as a team; for a great example, see

After class, push your presentation to your GitHub repo.

Monday 11/25 - Milestone 2

A 5 minute presentation on your progress over the past week. Demonstrate how you reached or exceeded the goals for this milestone. If you didn't reach them, explain why. Remind us of your upcoming milestones, and adjust them if needed.

After class, push your presentation to your GitHub repo.

Monday 12/02 - Milestone 3

Same format as Milestone 2.

Sunday 12/8 11:59pm - Final Project Due

Follow the same guidelines as all the regular class projects. At this point do not include your milestone information in the readme. You may use other readmes or PDFs for milestone progress.

Make sure to include your project pitch, milestone PDFs, images, videos etc in a directory.

Be sure to include:

  • Final code - should be clean, documented, and tested
  • A detailed including:
    • Name of your project
    • Your names and links to your website/LinkedIn/twitter/whatever
    • Choice screenshots including debug views
    • Link to demo if possible. WebGL demos should include your names and a link back to your github repo
    • Overview of technique and links to references
    • Link to video
    • Detailed performance analysis
    • Install and build instructions

Monday 12/9 6:00pm - Final Project Presentations

Note: Presentations should be submitted by 5pm on Monday 12/9.

5-minute final presentation.

This should be a polished presentation with a 1-2 slide overview of the technical approach at a high-level of abstraction, followed by a demo/video of the results in different representative scenarios, followed by a careful performance analysis, and finally shortcomings of the approach.

It is OK to present this as a few slides with a demo/video for the results section, or to prepare a video for the entire presentation and then talk to the video as your presentation.

Please practice for timing; do not exceed five minutes.

As always, see How to make an attractive GitHub repo for tips on your


The final project is worth 50% of your final grade. The breakdown is:

  • Milestone 1 & Progress: 20%
  • Milestone 2 & Progress: 20%
  • Milestone 3 & Progress: 20%
  • Final submission: 20%
  • All milestones presentations and final presentation: 20%

Social Media

Feel free to share your successes, bloopers etc on social media. Patrick and I will retweet/share them. It'll be great to get the buzz going about your project. You may even get industry experts to chime in.


I want to do a project on a topic that has been done in the past. Is that allowed?

The main goal of final projects is to move the course forward and current with the industry. If you are trying to do something similar to year(s) old project, then you are starting behind.

These kind of projects, such as building on top of Pathtracer or doing new procedural generation, will be allowed if the additions are going to be novel and haven't been previously done. So the bar is set high.

Whereas, for projects like Vulkan, VR, DirectX Raytracing, the technology is recent and not much work has been done. So you will be the pioneers of these, so the barrier to entry is lower. Working on these will also open the possibility of the project becoming a regular project in the future.

Simulations, physically based animations will be allowed if you are implementing a novel technique that is vastly different from the seminal work in that field.

I really want to work on a topic/technology, but I have limited or no experience.

Be brave. There are a ton of online courses out there. Additionally, we'll try to connect you to any industry experts we know of.

What if I'm not doing a graphics or visual project? What should I do for final demos?

It is completely ok to no do a graphics project. Not all useful software on GPU is grpahics related.

You can do a lot of things for final projects, including, but not limited to, some great graphs, comparisions with industry software etc.

I'm from CIS (or non-graphics). Can you suggest projects for me to work on?

The core piece of advice would be to take something really amazing you have done, and then port it to the GPU.

There are a ton of other topics you can think of as well. Machine Learning, deep learning, autonomous driving to name a few. Additionally, embedded systems with GPU such as Tegra or ARM GPUs, Apple Metal etc are also welcome.

It is all about doing projects using the GPU that are relevant to the industry and your field of interest.

I want to work on a project that requires data. I don't have any.

For projects like machine learning etc, a source data is always required. There are usually a lot of open datasets available, most of which are a simple google search away.

Also try talking to other departments, professors or students who might have such data. There is always a good chance by approaching the right people.

If you still cannot find it, we can help connect you to some industry experts who might have such data.

I've been working on a long term project (research/PhD/etc). Can I do my final project on that?

Yes, as long as:

  • There is no double-dipping (getting grades in 2 different courses for the same work).
  • The goals are clearly layed out.
  • The final project work is a GPU enhancement to other work.
  • Other conditions that may be taken up case-by-case.

I have to miss one of the milestones because .....

Missing milestones is NOT acceptable, except if you have matters such as interviews, recruitment etc, or obtain prior permission. In that case, do the following:

  • Ensure your team presents on the day of the milestone presentations.
  • Schedule a time with a TA (preferably Ottavio) and your team prior to the milestone presentations and discuss the progress made.