- 0
#69 opened by wyl1219 - 2
#68 opened by Lbaiall - 0
- 4
- 1
#65 opened by weiydcn - 1
error in quickrun MCScanX wrapper
#66 opened by TanB003 - 1
#64 opened by LXN628 - 0
please update the release
#60 opened by Kiri2002 - 3
Could not create the Java Virtual Machine
#61 opened by pk-zhu - 3
RAR to zip/tar
#59 opened by zeakey - 1
maximum memory for current TBTOOLS: While using the "visualize the NCBI cdd pattern"
#56 opened by Winlover10 - 2
Could not create awt.dll file
#58 opened by MonsterLaplace - 4
TBtool 奶牛快穿失效。
#57 opened by HotNewMike - 2
Promoter Sequences
#55 opened by Ramkyeri - 3
- 1
about wgcna shiny
#52 opened by zhangkunGX - 2
ASK for Professional help
#50 opened by Buu89 - 1
- 1
error in running basic biosequence view
#49 opened by labajay - 1
KEGG blast
#48 opened by kumarpradeep12 - 2
- 1
why are there many * in the translated results by "Batch Translate CDS to protein"
#45 opened by wangjing - 1
java version in TBtools_windows-x64_1_123.exe is jdk11 rather than the alleged jdk17
#46 opened by liangjinsong - 2
KEGG enrichment Analysis
#44 opened by kishor2019 - 4
TBTools eggNOG-mapper helper
#43 opened by timase2021 - 9
#35 opened by liuxiankai - 1
may be tags can be beautifully
#42 opened by Kiri2002 - 1
About promoter extraction
#41 opened by ClarenceHsiang - 1
Cannot find figure export button
#40 opened by mintang92 - 8
Not able to run TB-tools
#39 opened by vinitamehlawat - 8
issue:show Control Dialog selection
#38 opened by 17863952296 - 1
Tackling with one step MCScanX
#37 opened by Bravep98 - 1
Unable to update the new version
#36 opened by vinitamehlawat - 1
- 1
- 1
#33 opened by Jenny-chen98 - 1
- 2
demo data can't be downloaded!
#25 opened by Boer223 - 2
Can't install TBtools in Mac
#30 opened by sgbataller - 1
#28 opened by caiisen - 1
- 1
no java code
#26 opened by zhangchunsheng - 1
输出档没有列出基因 (引用#23)
#24 opened by hungweichen0327 - 1
- 1
no show circos plor
#21 opened by asgiraldoc - 1
GFF file error
#20 opened by hidvegin - 1
#22 opened by whhyh1314 - 2
- 1
One step MCScanX
#18 opened by Gyzele - 1
Can not download KEGGBackEnd
#19 opened by wang-zhengfeng