
Scripts to simulate and analyse genomic diversity evolution during a range expansion

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

How to run Simulations and analyse data

0.0 Preparation

0.1 Order of actions

  1. create new folder: ${HOME}/${USER}/fwd_RangeExpansion
  2. create parameter files (for example: params_1d_c5_e5_l100_d100_f30_m10_g5.sh) and put it in a subfolder: ${HOME}/${USER}/fwd_RangeExpansion/param_files
  3. run simulations

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0.2 Parameter files

  • chrL: genome length in bp
  • mu: mutation rate
  • rho: recombination rate
  • core: number of demes at the core
  • maxN: carrying capacity (max num. inds)
  • mig: migration rate in decimal (SLiM way of defining migration)
  • tgrw: time to reach caryying capacity
  • r1:
  • ert1: growth factor at each generation
  • burn: last generation of burn in tree file
  • aftgen: generation to start expansion
  • end: last expansion generation
  • Fndrs: number of founders

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1. Simulations

1.1 Burn-in

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1.2 1D simulations

# replicates ID numbers
from=1; to=200;
model_sufix="f20_m10_g5 10"

cd ${HOME}/${USER}/fwd_RangeExpansion
mkdir -p log_sim
sbatch --array=${from}-${to} 01_slurm_run_model_vcf.sh ${model_sufix} ${model_prefix} ${number_of_samples}

This code will:

  • make new folder named: $prefix_$sufix
  • copy files to model folder:
    • params_$prefix_$sufix.sh
    • 01_run_model_vcf.sh
    • 01_1D_range_exp_vcf.slim
  • create replicate number subfolders (based on array command from SLURM)
  • copy slim file to replicate folder (01_1D_range_exp_vcf.slim)
  • creates SLiM log file: vcf_end_slim_**.output (**: replicate number)
  • run sims in SLiM:
    • output files: out_p*_gen_2500*_n*.vcf.gz. * in order: (1) population ID; (2) generation; (3) sample size;
    • samping frequency is defined in SLiM script, depending on the need. Normally based on variables tg (slim script); tgrw (param file), which define time to reach carrying capacity (from founders to Nmax).

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1.3 output files

1.3.1 VCF files

file name example: out_p24_gen_25093_n45.vcf Example for sample size of 45

##INFO=<ID=MID,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Mutation ID in SLiM">
##INFO=<ID=S,Number=.,Type=Float,Description="Selection Coefficient">
##INFO=<ID=PO,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Population of Origin">
##INFO=<ID=GO,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Generation of Origin">
##INFO=<ID=MT,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Mutation Type">
##INFO=<ID=AC,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Allele Count">
##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total Depth">
#CHROM	POS	ID	REF	ALT	QUAL	FILTER	INFO	FORMAT	i0	i1	i2	i3	i4	i5	i6	i7	i8	i9	i10	i11	i12	i13	i14	i15	i16	i17	i18	i19	i20	i21	i22	i23	i24	i25	i26	i27	i28	i29	i30	i31	i32	i33	i34	i35	i36	i37	i38	i39	i40	i41	i42	i43	i44
1	1290	.	A	T	1000	PASS	MID=78192399;S=0;DOM=0;PO=5;GO=12510;MT=1;AC=19;DP=1000	GT	0|1	0|0	0|0	0|0	1|0	0|1	0|0	0|0	0|1	1|0	0|0	0|0	1|0	0|1	0|1	0|1	0|0	0|1	0|0	0|0	1|0	0|1	0|0	0|1	1|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	1|0	0|0	0|0	0|1	1|1	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|1
1	2092	.	A	T	1000	PASS	MID=98063402;S=0;DOM=0;PO=1;GO=15690;MT=1;AC=71;DP=1000	GT	1|0	1|1	1|1	1|1	0|1	1|0	1|1	1|1	1|0	0|1	1|1	1|1	0|1	1|0	1|0	1|0	1|1	1|0	1|1	1|1	0|1	1|0	1|1	1|0	0|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	0|1	1|1	1|1	1|0	0|0	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|0
1	10065	.	A	T	1000	PASS	MID=61165310;S=0;DOM=0;PO=4;GO=9786;MT=1;AC=87;DP=1000	GT	1|1	1|1	0|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	0|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|0	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1
1	11367	.	A	T	1000	PASS	MID=124563473;S=0;DOM=0;PO=5;GO=19930;MT=1;AC=3;DP=1000	GT	0|0	0|0	1|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	1|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|1	0|0	0|0	0|0	0|0
1	12129	.	A	T	1000	PASS	MID=59614940;S=0;DOM=0;PO=2;GO=9539;MT=1;AC=87;DP=1000	GT	1|1	1|1	0|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	0|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|0	1|1	1|1	1|1	1|1

2. Data Analysis

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2.1 Files organization

2.1.1 Files used for each step:

several steps

  • samp_edge_demes_1D_10.txt
  • 10k_win_coord.csv

step 2

  • 02_get_allele_counts_for_pi_calcul.sh
  • 02_slurm_get_allele_counts_for_pi_calcul.sh

step 3

  • 03_SLURM_Get_Pi_Profile.sh
  • 03b_SLURM_conCAT_replicate_files.sh
  • 03_FUNCTIONS_Get_Pi_Profile.R
  • 03_Get_Pi_Profile.R

step 4

  • 04b_slurm_ConCat_trough_files.sh
  • 04a_slurm_get_troughs_per_replicate.sh
  • 04a_get_troughs_per_replicate.R
  • 04_FUNCTIONS_get_troughs_per_replicate.R

These steps below have to happen after steps 1-4, but not in any particular order:

step 5

  • 07_convert_time_to_diversity_loss.R
  • 07_slurm_convert_time_to_diversity_loss.sh

step 6

  • 06_slurm_permutation.sh
  • 06_null_dist_troughs.R
  • 06_FUNCTIONS_null_dist_troughs.R
  • recMap_100k_m**.txt → recombination map file

step 7 (can only be run after step 6)

  • 08_asymmetry_in_troughs.R
  • 08_slurm_trough_asymmetry.sh
  • 08_FUNCTIONS_asymmetry_in_troughs.R

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2.1.2 Files description

  • samp_edge_demes_1D_**.txt**: number of samples; no header & space delimited;

    generation pop id
    25002 6
    25007 7
    25012 8
    25017 9
  • **k_win_coord.csv**: window size in kb, e.g. 10; with header and comma separated

    ini end wsize mid_win id
    18751 28751 10000 23751 4
    26251 36251 10000 31251 5
    33751 43751 10000 38751 6
    41251 51251 10000 46251 7
  • recMap_100k_m**.txt**: identifier of type of map

    iniPOS endPOS rec.rate chunk id
    0 299999 0.000000001 1
    300000 899999 0.00000001 2
    900000 999999 0.0000001 3
    1000000 1299999 0.000000001 4
    1300000 1899999 0.00000001 5
    1900000 1999999 0.0000001 6

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2.1.3 order of things

  1. cd to model folder
  2. make a sub folder: sim_files
  3. move all replicate folders into sim_files
  4. copy all analysis files to model folder
  5. run scripts in order (see below)

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2.2 Allele counts: per generation & per replicate

cd ${dir}
printf "cd ${dir}\n"

mkdir -p log_allele_count

printf "# $PWD \n"

sim_type="fwd_RangeExpansion";# defines the parent folder for a single spacial dist (1D or 2D) 
opt_s02=3;# defines location of sampling file

printf "sbatch --array=${list_reps} ${script_02} ${sim_type} ${opt_s02} ${model} ${smp_file} \n"

sbatch --array=${list_reps} ${script_02} ${sim_type} ${opt_s02} ${model} ${smp_file}

example command line: sbatch --array=1-200 $script fwd_RangeExpansion 3 $model 10

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2.2.1 Output file: Allele counts

For a VCF file with 45 individuals:

POS size allele_count pop gen
1290 90 19 24 25092
2092 90 71 24 25092
10065 90 87 24 25092
11367 90 3 24 25092
12129 90 87 24 25092
12512 90 3 24 25092
15230 90 19 24 25092
16693 90 71 24 25092
25140 90 3 24 25092

it's tab separated, headers are not present in file.

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2.3 Genome scan: window the genome and calculate pi

cd ${dir}
printf "cd ${dir}\n"

mkdir -p log_get_pi





printf "${founders} ${migration} ${growth} ${samples} ${active} ${old_demes} ${windows} ${smp_file} \n"

sbatch --array=${list_reps} ${script_s03} ${founders} ${migration} ${growth} ${samples} ${active} ${old_demes} ${windows} ${smp_file}

example command line: sbatch --array=1-200 $script 20 10 5 10 T F 10k 10

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2.3.1 genomic profile

file name example: genomic_profile_active_demes_f20_m10_g5_r183_resamp_45inds.txt.gz

gen cpop rep mean_pi_raw mean_pi_samp w_id
25002 6 183 0.00016 0.00016271186440678 1
25002 6 183 5.35555555555556e-05 5.44632768361582e-05 2
25002 6 183 0.000177944444444444 0.000180960451977401 3
25002 6 183 0.000258444444444444 0.000262824858757062 4
... ... ... ... ... ...
25002 6 183 0.000145222222222222 0.000147683615819209 13331
25002 6 183 0.000194833333333333 0.000198135593220339 13332
25002 6 183 0.000120055555555556 0.000122090395480226 13333
25002 6 183 0.000112622222222222 0.000114531073446328 13334
... ... ... ... ... ...
25402 86 183 2.92345679012346e-05 2.95630461922597e-05 13326
25402 86 183 2.92345679012346e-05 2.95630461922597e-05 13327
... ... ... ... ... ...
25402 86 183 0 0 13333
25402 86 183 0 0 13334
25407 87 183 3.51604938271603e-06 3.55555555555553e-06 1
... ... ... ... ... ...
25407 87 183 3.33086419753086e-05 3.36828963795256e-05 6
25407 87 183 3.33086419753086e-05 3.36828963795256e-05 7
25407 87 183 0 0 8
... ... ... ... ... ...
25497 105 183 1.03111111111111e-05 1.04269662921348e-05 1
25497 105 183 0 0 2
25497 105 183 0 0 3
... ... ... ... ... ...
25497 105 183 0 0 13332
25497 105 183 0 0 13333
25497 105 183 0 0 13334

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2.4 Map troughs based on a threshold

2.4.1 per replicate

mkdir -p log_files



printf "${model} \n"
printf "${mprefix} ${windows} \n"

mkdir -p genomic_profile_${windows}

sbatch --array=${list_reps_s03} ${script_s04a} ${level} ${mprefix} ${samples} ${windows}

example command line: sbatch --array=1-200 $script 0.1 $mprefix 10 10k

back to top ↑ resulting file

file name example: complete_data_lvl_10_f20_m10_g5_45inds_wind_10k_183.txt.gz

t_id cpop rep gen n_win mp_raw mp_samp ini end mid_tr size tot_tr
1 6 183 25002 1 0 0 296251 306251 301251 10000 499
2 6 183 25002 1 6.444e-06 6.553e-06 341251 351251 346251 10000 499
3 6 183 25002 1 3.277e-06 3.333e-06 671251 681251 676251 10000 499
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
683 29 183 25117 2 5.250e-06 5.310e-06 38658751 38676251 38667501 17500 1678
684 29 183 25117 5 2.100e-06 2.120e-06 38876251 38916251 38896251 40000 1678
685 29 183 25117 2 5.250e-06 5.310e-06 38936251 38953751 38945001 17500 1678
686 29 183 25117 3 7.000e-06 7.070e-06 38958751 38983751 38971251 25000 1678

file name example: summary_data_lvl_10_f20_m10_g5_45inds_win_10k_183.txt.gz

cpop rep gen tot_win mean_size tot_tr chr_tr prop_tr
6 183 25002 601 11533.06613 499 5755000 0.05755
7 183 25007 810 11875 648 7695000 0.07695
8 183 25012 1234 12625.82057 914 11540000 0.1154
9 183 25017 1312 12602.6694 974 12275000 0.12275
10 183 25022 1437 13118.2266 1015 13315000 0.13315
11 183 25027 1805 13982.1883 1179 16485000 0.16485
12 183 25032 2254 14723.42733 1383 20362500 0.203625
100 183 25472 11915 110677.9661 826 91420000 0.9142
101 183 25477 11953 110896.312 827 91711250 0.9171125
102 183 25482 11943 109507.1685 837 91657500 0.916575
103 183 25487 11975 112290.6479 818 91853750 0.9185375
104 183 25492 12021 111250 829 92226250 0.9222625
105 183 25497 12042 113990.7407 810 92332500 0.923325

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2.4.2 combine files

# same vars as s04a

# vars **different** from s04a


printf "sbatch ${script_s04b} ${founders} ${migration} ${growth} ${samples} ${level} ${windows} ${from} ${to} \n"

sbatch ${script_s04b} ${founders} ${migration} ${growth} ${samples} ${level} ${windows} ${from} ${to}

example command line: sbatch --array=1 $script 20 10 5 10 10 10k 1 200 Output files

summary_data_lvl_${level}_f${founders}_m${mig}_g${growth}_${inds}inds_win_${janela}.txt.gz complete_data_lvl_${level}_f${founders}_m${mig}_g${growth}_${inds}inds_win_${janela}.txt.gz

same structure as replicate files, but just combined all replicates into a single file

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2.5 Convert diversity data to proportion lost

target_folder="fwd_RangeExpansion";# ------|
main_folder="nope";#                       |
prefix="1d_c5_l100_d100";#                 | --> just used to define file location of data 
model="f20_m10_g5";#                       |
sufix="nope";#                             |
file_location=2;# -------------------------|


cd /storage/homefs/fs19b061/${target_folder}/${prefix}_${model}_${sufix}

printf "${slurm_script} ${main_folder} ${prefix} ${model} ${file_location}"
sbatch --array=1 ${slurm_script} ${main_folder} ${prefix} ${model} ${sufix} ${file_location} ${from} ${to} ${nsamp}

example command line: sbatch array=1 $script nope 1d_c5_l100_d100 f20_m10_g5 nope 2 1 200 10

work directory for R script ${HOME}/${USER}/fwd_RangeExpansion/1d_c5_e5_l100_d100_f20_m10_g5/sim_files

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2.5.1 output files

diversity_data_**_%s_%s_wsize_10k_10inds_all_reps.txt (**: pi type)

gen rep N mean sd median qt2 qt3 qt4 qt1 qt5 se ci
25002 201 13334 0.000111465 8.16E-05 9.60E-05 5.10E-05 9.60E-05 0.000154 0 0.000312 7.06E-07 1.38E-06
25007 201 13334 0.000105583 8.11E-05 9.00E-05 4.70E-05 9.00E-05 0.000147 0 0.000305 7.02E-07 1.38E-06
25012 201 13334 0.000106118 8.11E-05 9.05E-05 4.70E-05 9.05E-05 0.0001485 0 0.000306 7.03E-07 1.38E-06
25017 201 13334 0.000103887 8.16E-05 8.75E-05 4.55E-05 8.75E-05 0.0001445 0 0.0003045 7.06E-07 1.38E-06
25022 201 13334 9.67E-05 8.04E-05 8.05E-05 3.75E-05 8.05E-05 0.000137 0 0.0002975 6.96E-07 1.36E-06

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2.6 trough distribuitions depending on recombination landscape (permutation)


mod_tail_LIST=("recMap_100k_m2" "recMap_100k_m3")

for mod_tail in "${mod_tail_LIST[@]}"; do
  echo ${mod_tail}

  cd ${main_dir}/${mod_prefix}_${mod_sufix}_${mod_tail}
  echo ${PWD}

  mkdir -p results_permutation_10k
  sbatch --array=1-200%50 06_slurm_permutation.sh ${lvl} ${mod_prefix} ${samp} ${winsize} ${mod_sufix} ${mapType}

Resulting file:

proba_rec_rate_in_troughs_lvltroughThresholdAsPercentage_completeModelName_sampleSizeinds_win_windowsizek_rrep.txt example: proba_rec_rate_in_troughs_lvl10_1d_c5_l100_d100_f20_m10_g5_10inds_win_10k_r198.txt

gen cpop rep obs.mean.rec p-val
25002 6 198 1.65E-08 0.71
25007 7 198 1.62E-08 1
25012 8 198 1.68E-08 0.04
25017 9 198 1.64E-08 0.57
25022 10 198 1.66E-08 0.51
25027 11 198 1.67E-08 0.36
25032 12 198 1.65E-08 0.6
25037 13 198 1.67E-08 0.33


gen cpop rep perm.mean.rec obs.mean.rec is.perm.rate.higher diff
25003 4 132 1.67645079714128e-08 1.65147443650357e-08 TRUE 2.49763606377155e-10
25003 4 132 1.65731280923584e-08 1.65147443650357e-08 TRUE 5.83837273227164e-11
25003 4 132 1.66954370533259e-08 1.65147443650357e-08 TRUE 1.80692688290289e-10
25003 4 132 1.68642550852116e-08 1.65147443650357e-08 TRUE 3.49510720175962e-10

Name of file where results are stored out.file.name=sprintf("results_permutation_%s/proba_rec_rate_in_troughs_lvl%s_%s_%s_%sinds_win_%s_r%s.txt", winsize, lvl, mod_prefix, mod_sufix, samp, winsize, rep) dist.file.name=sprintf("results_permutation_%s/permut_mean_rec_rate_in_troughs_by_case_lvl%s_%s_%s_%sinds_win_%s_r%s.txt", winsize, lvl, mod_prefix, mod_sufix, samp, winsize, rep)

2.7 trough asymmetry

# mapType="m4"
# mapType="m6"

for mod_sufix in "${mod_sufix_LIST[@]}"; do
  echo ${mod_sufix}

  cd ${main_dir}/${mod_prefix}_${mod_sufix}_${mod_tail}_${mapType}
  echo ${PWD}

  mkdir -p results_asymmetry_${winsize}
  sbatch --array=1-200 08_slurm_trough_asymmetry.sh ${lvl} ${mod_prefix} ${samp} ${winsize} ${mod_sufix} ${mapType} ${minRecRegionLength}

Rscript 08_asymmetry_in_troughs.R 10 1d_c5_l100_d100 10 10k 198 f30_m10_g5 m1 200 &

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2.7.1 out files


workdir: ${HOME}/recMap_fwd_RangeExpansion/1d_c5_l100_d100_f30_m10_g5_recMap_100k in file: genomic_profile_10k/complete_data_lvl_10_f30_m10_g5_10inds_wind_10k_198.txt.gz

out file NAME example: prop_troughs_in_rec_rate_category_200bp_MinRecRegLen_r198_10lvl_f30_m10_g5_10inds_10kwsize.txt

gen cpop rep prop.low prop.med prop.high
25002 6 198 0.308206715 0.593076153 0.098694386
25007 7 198 0.312335798 0.587299648 0.100344189
25012 8 198 0.316670454 0.587802015 0.095508597
25487 103 198 0.300391549 0.599650677 0.099955375
25492 104 198 0.300516609 0.59982661 0.099654407
25497 105 198 0.301468522 0.598972342 0.099556775

3. Reference to the Figures

3.1 Genome Scan and trough detection


Figure 1 in the main text

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Figure 2

Figure 2 in the main text

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Figure 3

Figure 3 in the main text

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Steps used:

  • Allele counts (s02)
  • window the genome and calculate pi (s03)
  • find troughs (s04).

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3.2 calculate proportion of diversity loss

Figure 4

Figure 4 in the main text

Steps used:

3.3 Probability of identifying troughs considering local recombination rates

Figure 5

Figure 5 in the main text

Steps used:

  • permutation analysis (s06)

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3.4 Assymetry in troughs

Figure 6

Figure 6 in the main text

Steps used:

  • assymetry in troughs (s08)

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