##Welcome to the CMPG Pathways repository


Data tables that served as input for the gene set enrichment analysis, as described in: Evidence for Polygenic Adaptation to Pathogens in the Human Genome. Daub et al. (2013). Mol Biol Evol. doi: 10.1093/molbev/mst080

  • HGDP_SNP_zval.txt
  • biosys.tsv
  • biosys_gene.tsv
  • gene_entrez.tsv

Click here for a description of these tables.

Data tables that served as input for the 2DNS test as described in: Inference of Evolutionary Forces Acting on Human Biological Pathways. Daub et al. (2015). Genome Biol Evol. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evv083

  • 2DNS_mut.txt
  • 2DNS_gene.txt

Click here for a description of these tables