run syntax

Closed this issue · 3 comments

should we use two xml files: workload.xml and ssdconfig.xml for run?
when I type the following commands:
./MQSIM -i ssdconfig.xml -w workload.xml

this error appears:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
aborted (core dumped)


Dear @sac2019 ,
Both xml input files are required for MQSim execution.
Can you please send us your SSD configuration and workload definition files, so that we can investigate the issue?

I use the default workload and ssd config file.

I change the default workload file (decrease the number of channel and Die), the problem is solved.
it seems two default files (ssdconfig and workload) do not not match.