microbenchmark: couldn't find the microbenchmark program that analyzes and estimates the real ssd's internal configuration

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In FAST18 paper, it mentions there is a microbenchmarking program to analyze and estimate the real ssd's internal configuration (eg,NAND flash page size,address mapping strategy ,write cache size).And the article says you have open-sourced that microbenchmark,but i haven't found it in your specified reference (MQSim GitHub Repository.
Could you please tell me where i can get that microbenchmarking program? Thank you very much!

signed-by-off Xuqiang Chen

fio - Flexible I/O tester

I know fio, but can not find the Microbenchmark program for analyzing and estimating the real ssd's internal configuration.

I have the same question. It's appreciated if you can share SSD configurations as evaluated in FAST18?