does mqsim support process variation ? and if yes where?

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does MQSIM support process variation. If yes in which file is it prominent

Hi @HrithikSampson,
MQSim does not support process variation. But, depending on your simulation goals, you may be able to easily implement it. Can you please clarify what do you want to simulate? Do you want to reflect process variation in the bit error rate or in the flash read/write/erase times?

@arashta thank you for replying . I want to simulate a mixture of both but primarily flash write times

actually it would be also okay if i simulate only process variation in flash read / write / erase times

Hi @HrithikSampson,
I hope it is not too late for your answer. You can easily change the Get_command_execution_latency function in the Flashi_Chip.h file and implement any process variation scheme there based on pageID;

I had figured it out. But thank you for the support.