in MQSim paper i had seen that fio generates the trace files but device number and address column is not generated in fio where can i find such a tool to do it. And Device Number is not used much in the code can i keep it random uniform

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in MQSim paper i had seen that fio generates the trace files but device number and address column is not generated in fio where can i find such a tool to do it. And Device Number is not used much in the code can i keep it random uniform

Hi @HrithikSampson,
The device number is found in many ASCII trace file standards. For example, in the UMASS specification for the storage traces, there is a column referred to as the Application Specific Unit with similar meaning. MQSim does not use this field for simulations but accepts it to prevent the need for adjusting ASCII trace files.
Regarding fio: we used this tool for real system benchmarking. However, for the simulation experiments, we used the synthetic workload generator in MQSim that replicates the behavior of a real device benchmarking tool.

Thank you sir for replying very quickly