
Possible wrong address mapping

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in file src/Memory.h 318-333

       else {
                case int(Type::ChRaBaRoCo):
                    for (int i = addr_bits.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        req.addr_vec[i] = slice_lower_bits(addr, addr_bits[i]);
                case int(Type::RoBaRaCoCh):
                    req.addr_vec[0] = slice_lower_bits(addr, addr_bits[0]);
                    req.addr_vec[addr_bits.size() - 1] = slice_lower_bits(addr, addr_bits[addr_bits.size() - 1]);
                    for (int i = 1; i <= int(T::Level::Row); i++)
                        req.addr_vec[i] = slice_lower_bits(addr, addr_bits[i]);

the code implicates two mapping schemes for those Config with a bank group like ddr4 or HBM. (Bg for bank group)

  • the first case ChRaBaRoCo assumes ChRaBgBaRoCo.
  • the second case RoBaRaCoCh assumes RoBaBgRaCoCh.( Should that be RoBgBaRaCoCh for the correct design?)
    it that correct for the design?

If that is the case, I'll submit a pull request for it.

@shenjiangqiu Hi, recently I was also confused about this mapping, I wonder where you found the mapping scheme you proposed for ddr4 and HBM. All these mappings are black boxes?

In addition, I am very surprised that the "channel" is located in the low bit (e.g., RoBaBgRaCoCh). Does this mean that the addresses in a 4KB physical page will be assigned to different channels, that is, a 4KB physical page will store on different DDR DDIMs? Hereby ask for advice.

@shenjiangqiu Hi, recently I was also confused about this mapping, I wonder where you found the mapping scheme you proposed for ddr4 and HBM. All these mappings are black boxes?

In addition, I am very surprised that the "channel" is located in the low bit (e.g., RoBaBgRaCoCh). Does this mean that the addresses in a 4KB physical page will be assigned to different channels, that is, a 4KB physical page will store on different DDR DDIMs? Hereby ask for advice.

hi @joannahuadu , For HBM mapping scheme, you can find the code at src/HBM.cpp:12.

Yes, when Ch is at the lower bits, it assumes the BYTES are interleaved across the channels.

Furthermore, You can find my rewrite in rust: ramu_rs