
Burst mode

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I have a question regarding burst mode. Is it considered in ramulator?
I see the prefetch size of the DDR configuration is used to calculate tx.
In src/Memory.h:118 you define:
int tx = (spec->prefetch_size * spec->channel_width / 8);
I don't really understand why you divide by 8.
E.g. with a burst of 8 and a channel of 64bits, the DRAM should read 64 * 8 bits of data and send them through the bus in multiple clock cycles.
It is possible to have a Read followed by a write happening during the burst transfer, would this case be supported by your emulator?

The division by 8 in src/Memory.h:118 is to calculate tx as a number of bytes. In Ramulator, prefetch_size is the burst length. It is set in the header file of your target specification, e.g., DDR4.h.

I am not sure if I completely understand your last question. It is possible to follow a read command with a write command without closing and re-opening a row. Ramulator supports that but I am not sure how frequently that might happen with the current controller, which schedules buffered read and write requests in batches.

Thank you for your answer. In the last question, I am wondering if the minimum READ-to-WRITE latency is respected, to avoid conflicts on the data bus.

yes, it is. You will find all timing constraints in the .cpp files of the standards (e.g., DDR4.cpp)