- 0
- 0
No global admin2 data for microreact
#94 opened by benjamincjackson - 0
extra ID columns in output metadata
#95 opened by benjamincjackson - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
Check whether the global location data is being included sensibly in the outputs
#86 opened by benjamincjackson - 1
- 0
Deduplicate accounting for number of fasta headers matching rows in metadata
#88 opened by benjamincjackson - 0
Switch to cutting out trees using gotree for the nextflow treetime utility script
#82 opened by benjamincjackson - 0
Treat the Gisaid data as an input
#78 opened by benjamincjackson - 4
Add documentation
#68 opened by benjamincjackson - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Order nodes in output trees
#66 opened by rambaut - 1
Create a UK lineage typing tool
#62 opened by rambaut - 0
Create a time tree for each UK lineage
#61 opened by rambaut - 0
De-duplicate against `biosample_source_id`
#39 opened by rambaut - 2
Add a .fasta and .csv for each uk_lineage
#60 opened by rambaut - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Filter Gisaid data based on distance to WH04 (> 4 s.d.s from the epi-week mean)
#46 opened by benjamincjackson - 0
Output cog_gisaid alignment + cog_gisaid metadata for Pangolin lineage release work
#54 opened by benjamincjackson - 0
Include both nexus and newick tree in output
#42 opened by rambaut - 0
Create microreact specific output
#43 opened by rambaut - 0
Investigate faster tree building approaches
#41 opened by rambaut - 0
- 0
Unified log file?
#1 opened by rambaut