Feature request: read-level probabilities
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Thank you for developing Oarfish! I think it would be helpful to add an option to output read-transcript probabilities for downstream analysis. Would it be possible to implement this in a future update? Thank you!
Thanks @andyjslee. @zzare-umd & @NPSDC --- this should be pretty straightforward to implement, so lets try and get it implemented quickly. If one of you wants to take a stab, let me know. We can discuss exactly where the best place to put this would be.
Hi @andyjslee, we have a draft implementation of this now. We'll do a little more testing and then ask you to test it out if you're willing (before we merge it back into main).
This is not an option in v0.6.3, which was just released. Thanks for the idea @andyjslee and for testing it!