
This is a ros workspace for running the reachability-aware grasping pipeline. It includes scripts for generating binary reachability space, converting to sdf representation and integrating it with the GraspIt! grasp planner.


Building the workspace

git clone
gitman install

Online: Pickup Object- grasp planning and trajectory planning

To see the reachability-aware grasping approach in simulation, using our precomputed reachability space for the Fetch robot, run the scripts as described [here] (

To do the offline computation your self, follow steps below.

Offline: Compute Reachability space and sdf representation

  • Define workspace dimension and resolution and upload grid points as tasks to database
cd src/reachability_space_generation/scripts/reachability_space_generation
python fetch22.yaml
  • Compute Inverse Kinematic checks for grid points in the workspace
cd src/reachability_space_generation/launch
  • Download IK Check result as csv
python fetch_to_do fetch_finished fetch_dense_reachability.csv

Generate SDF representation from Binary IK checks

This is done in the reachability_utils package. Copy the binary ik check result from previous step into a data folder in the reachability_utils package.

cd src/reachability_utils/scripts/reachability_utils
python fetch_dense_reachability.csv

The processed sdf data folder can be copied into a config package used for GraspIt! reachability_energy_plugin. Processed reachability space for the Fetch robot is available [here])(