- 0
- 1
lowfreq "not available from current channels"
#146 opened by antonkratz - 3
Lofreq viterbi
#144 opened by rahil19 - 0
MGI T7 or T10 data
#141 opened by Eduardo-Auer - 0
- 0
Lofreq vcfplot - python version 3 support
#143 opened by saradunaj - 0
What are the stringent outputs and why do I have different calling results?
#142 opened by ginnyintifa - 4
- 2
HTSLIB Variable
#138 opened by mkadlof - 7
IndexError: list index out of range
#140 opened by min0609 - 7
Warning: indel calls (before filtering) were made without indel alignment-quality
#104 opened by rahil19 - 0
- 9
indelqual 'unknown op 3 for read' error
#103 opened by mattdoug604 - 2
- 4
how to call multiple-sample variants
#136 opened by ChenDepp - 2
lofreq vcfplot issues
#135 opened by Ge-Wu-pir - 1
Permant error in the first step
#134 opened by beginner984 - 2
Warning: Didn't find any variants in input
#125 opened by Ram-Nagar - 4
- 2
Lofreq call-parallel applies filters with --no-default-filter option specified
#127 opened by gamabunta313 - 0
cpus count versus available cpus
#132 opened by EricDeveaud - 3
lofreq_star-2.1.5_linux-x86-64 : ./lofreq: error while loading shared libraries:
#111 opened by HagenC - 7
Adding genotype information
#117 opened by charlesfoster - 0
Filter depend on number of cores?
#131 opened by bernt-matthias - 0
- 3
Using LoFreq-NQ?
#116 opened by fedarko - 2
Variants missing in parallel mode
#123 opened by oleraj - 0
lofreq p-value
#124 opened by nelsonerikd - 5
/bin/sh: line 1: 16782 Killed and CRITICAL [2021-11-30 08:43:03,767]: Following command failed with status 137
#121 opened by gchevignon - 0
No sample column
#122 opened by kostasgalexiou - 1
Quality scores
#119 opened by hannahgoldswain - 0
Problem with "lofreq call"
#120 opened by MartinL1106 - 0
Force overwrite
#118 opened by robinjugas - 0
- 1
ERROR in temp file
#114 opened by robertosirica - 3
I have trouble to run bootstrap
#113 opened by ryao-mdanderson - 2
Missing Variant with 90% AF
#112 opened by npatel-ah - 1
Issue during the make stage
#110 opened by Lakshay-sethi - 4
Ignore non ACGT positions in reference
#106 opened by andreas-wilm - 2
- 3
Problem finding "" on make
#105 opened by dnbuckley - 1
How to enable lofreq cluster command?
#102 opened by jwsohn - 1
invalid vcf output (according to Picard)
#101 opened by parlar - 1
Running lofreq_star-2.1.5_linux-x86-64 on Linux 3.10.0-862.3.3.el7.x86_64 x86_64
#100 opened by HagenC - 4
- 2
- 1
GLIBC problem during installation
#96 opened by sleyn - 3
No output?
#93 opened by vymao - 2
Handling of soft-clipped bases
#94 opened by rspreafico-vir - 2
Error when specifying --min-cov parameter
#92 opened by cjuigne