- 6
Error computing lyap_r
#53 opened by lcoandrade - 8
Move to numpy 2.0
#42 opened by CSchoel - 2
Hurst analysis
#55 opened by lcoandrade - 0
Adjust CI pipelines to only test with Python 3.
#47 opened by CSchoel - 0
- 1
- 0
(optional) Automate deployment of GitHub pages.
#49 opened by CSchoel - 0
Epic: Modernize nolds for version 1.0
#27 opened by CSchoel - 0
Move from `setuptools` to Poetry.
#43 opened by CSchoel - 0
Update CI pipelines to work with poetry.
#44 opened by CSchoel - 0
Add type hints for version 1.0.
#45 opened by CSchoel - 0
Go through the code looking for improvements that can be made when abandoning Python 2.x.
#46 opened by CSchoel - 0
Add ruff linter and formatter
#48 opened by CSchoel - 2
Epic: Release current main branch as version 0.6
#26 opened by CSchoel - 2
Investigate scaling behavior of lyap_e
#36 opened by CSchoel - 14
Check if DFA needs to be fixed
#17 opened by CSchoel - 5
- 1
use Lorenz example for unit tests
#30 opened by CSchoel - 1
- 0
complete Lorenz example
#29 opened by CSchoel - 0
update README.rst with new algorithms
#31 opened by CSchoel - 1
Fix CI pipeline.
#33 opened by CSchoel - 1
Exclude self-matches and correct N in corr_dim
#25 opened by CSchoel - 0
- 4
Understanding correlation dimension
#20 opened by aleksejs-fomins - 1
- 2
- 1
cannot convert float infinity to integer
#21 opened by Aurora33 - 4
lyap_r gives -inf
#19 opened by mchandra - 1
some problem with nolds.hurst_rs() i ran the function in a loop for 20 times with same data and it give me different values. I even done it with out the round() function still same problem
#22 opened by Krishnanunnis - 2
lyap_r for long time-series with many periods
#16 opened by jcvasquezc - 0
- 2
N-D support?
#15 opened by toinsson - 1
Sampen returns inf on certain vectors
#14 opened by dorian821 - 2
Question about the returned value of DFA
#12 opened by Alcampopiano - 1
corr_dim ignores the fit argument
#13 opened by Apollo-XI - 6
- 3
Deprection of reshape
#10 opened by esraa-saleh - 2
Encoding error when building documentation
#8 opened by CSchoel - 1
Citation for code
#7 opened by catubc - 3
hurst exponent is funky
#5 opened by mcherkassky - 1
Running Error
#6 opened by lizhiyuan81 - 3
- 1
emb_dim for sampen and corr_dim
#2 opened by DominiqueMakowski