Pinned issues
- 2
mactex 调用 ctex 报错: Undefined control sequence. \xeCJKDeclarePunctStyle code ... IfInstanceExistTF
#728 opened by hehancn - 2
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ctex的Lualatex or/+ MacOS15兼容性问题
#722 opened by xiaoyuleiba - 2
#726 opened by tsiayigong - 0
LaTeX2e 2024-11-01: 对 `cleveref` 的 patch 部分失效
#725 opened by muzimuzhi - 2
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LuaTeX – Babel – Font change not applied without \babelfont or with \addfontfeatures.
#721 opened by BenjaminGalliot - 9
documentclass 设置为 ctexbook,目录第一页的页眉页脚样式无法修改
#720 opened by Fanchengyan - 3
#719 opened by Explorer-cc - 1
在Linux 系统使用Windows 字体,\textbf命令失效
#718 opened by francisol - 0
#717 opened by SuibianP - 6
#696 opened by heangfat - 2
Handling automatic spaces between CJK and Latin characters in LuaLaTeX
#711 opened by BenjaminGalliot - 2
LuaLaTeX font fallback warning with luaotfload.add_fallback and luatexja
#691 opened by BenjaminGalliot - 4
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#714 opened by chianjin - 0
#713 opened by chianjin - 6
zhlineskip.tex 编译失败
#712 opened by SwitWu - 1
`\__ctex_char_auxi:NNNN` 未定义
#706 opened by muzimuzhi - 0
旧命令 `\xeCJKsetcharclass` 不被内部使用,也不单独生效了
#709 opened by muzimuzhi - 7
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是否有人考虑过为华文字库添加 `fontset` 选项
#690 opened by OsbertWang - 1
测试 ctxdoc 文档类
#704 opened by muzimuzhi - 3
ctexart 生成的 pdf 中长标题的行间距比 baselineskip 的值大
#699 opened by lrtfm - 16
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在 luatexja 更新到 20240219.0 版本后无法编译
#697 opened by Jinwen-XU - 1
default bold and italic fonts in windows
#695 opened by davidcarlisle - 2
ctex: The key 'ctex/algorithmname' is unknown
#692 opened by LeoJhonSong - 2
加载宏包 amsmath 后在数学模式产生字体警告
#693 opened by afsagse - 2
newtx 宏包与 ctex 冲突 (fontspec 宏包选项冲突)
#689 opened by NemoYuan2008 - 6
#688 opened by note286 - 1
ctex.pdf 文档的一个小小 typo
#687 opened by rockyzhz - 1
添加 chinese-jfm 为 ctex 的依赖
#685 opened by Firestar-Reimu - 0
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Two self-referential declarations in xeCJK.dtx
#682 opened by rriegs - 1
ctex 文档类 + xelatex,省略号允许出现在行首
#681 opened by muzimuzhi - 0
跟进 l3kernel 改变,尽量使用 e-type variant 代替 x-type
#679 opened by muzimuzhi - 2
\xeCJKsetup{xCJKecglue=true} 弹出错误
#677 opened by InnocentFIVE - 5
#675 opened by mengchaoheng - 2
使用 upLaTeX 时,如何修复方正的居中标点?
#673 opened by balthild - 0
使用 upLaTeX 时,行开头的左标点在一些情况下没有被压缩
#674 opened by balthild - 15
ctex: 公式后接中文标点时,若字间距被挤压,可能出现多余空行(pdfLaTeX)
#671 opened by jifbt - 1
Highlight glitch with `\CJKsout` or `\CJKunderanyline` (chop out a portion of punctuation marks)
#672 opened by amalgame21 - 4
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使用 xeCJK 时中文标点出错
#667 opened by HardGraphite - 9
如何使用中文字体的stylistic set
#666 opened by Firestar-Reimu