
SET Office Hours Demo from 2022-08-17 on deploying Reformed to Kubernetes

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Reformed Kubernetes Deployment

This repo contains Kubernetes configuration for setting up a Reformed server on a target Kubernetes cluster. Reformed wraps Pandoc, a tool for converting between different document formats, with a RESTful API. More details can be found in the API docs for Reformed.


You'll need access to a running Kubernetes cluster (Docker Desktop's k8s is a decent place to start), and kubectl installed on your local machine.

Simple Usage

Assuming you have kubectl installed and your desired context activated, simply run the following to deploy Reformed:

kubectl apply -f ./manifests/app.k8.yaml

This will launch Reformed on the cluster, but in order to access it you'll need to forward traffic to it from your local machine. You can set up a port-forwarding proxy to the service like so:

kubectl port-forward services/reformed-service 8005:8000

Now you'll be able to access the service at port 8005 on your local machine, e.g. http://localhost:8005/api/v1/formats.

Ingress Notes

The ingress configuration at ./manifests/ingress.k8.yaml assumes you have ingress-nginx (i.e., the community version of the NGINX ingress for k8s) installed in your cluster. If you do want to use the ingress, first edit the ingress file to match your deployment's hostname and then apply the file as you did app.k8.yaml before.

Interacting with Reformed

Once Reformed is running, you can make queries against the API. Take a look at using_reformed.ipynb for a toy example on how to convert a document using it.

Alternatively, if you have curl installed, you can use it to make a simple request against the service. For example, we'll convert README.md from Markdown to a PDF using the following code snippet:

# first, remove README.pdf so we can be sure we're getting a fresh copy
rm -f README.pdf

# now let's invoke the service via curl to convert the file to a pdf
curl -X POST -F 'document=@README.md' \
    'http://localhost:8005/api/v1/from/markdown/to/pdf' \
    > README.pdf

# did it work? let's open it! 
# (this will use your shell to launch the pdf, however that's configured on your machine)
open README.pdf

# if all went well, you should be looking at a PDF of this document!