
Table-organizing robot empowered by deep reinforcement learning

Primary LanguagePython


A truly autonomous robotics solution for table orgainizing.

This is a class project in Humanoid Robots 2018, instructed by Professor Peter Allen, Columbia University.


Package Description
roganized_gazebo The Gazebo simulation environment
roganized_rl Training data generation and RL integration
roganized_grasping Grasping and trajectory planning pipelines
Project Implementation of deep learning algorihtms


Before installing the toolchain, make sure you have a proper github ssh key. If not, please follow this guide before moving forward.

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CU-Humanoid2018Spring/ROganized/master/install.sh
$ bash install.sh

$ echo "source ~/roganized_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

After installation, please run the below commands to verify.

$ roslaunch roganized_gazebo simple_grasp.launch

# Open another terminal
$ rostopic list | grep camera

If you see the following, then you are all set.


Or you may see the following. That means Gazebo is not publishing images.
