
Android class final project - phone accelerometer controlled, LiPo powered vehicle!

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



This is the Arduino driver code for my Android class final project. This code handles setting up and driving the motors of the bot, as well as handling the communication between the phone and Arduino through Bluetooth.

This is the meat of the project, the companion phone app can be found here: CS414FinalProject-Android

If you'd like a detailed breakdown of the project, the challenges, and the solutions, checkout the project report: Final Project Report

Most if not all project parts are listed below, so check them out if you're interested and want to take a go at building one!

Thanks for checking out the repo, happy coding!

Parts / Supplies

A list of the parts needed to build this project can be found below. Please, please, please, take the time to search and watch how to PROPERLY and SAFELY handle, charge and discharge LiPo / Lithium Ion batteries.

Also, you will need some sort of chassis or support platform to mount the wheels and the other parts. Below is a link to a potential chassis, and included is a number of the parts listed below, but the parts below require no - minimal soldering, so more plug and play.

Would also recommend using a hot glue gun for mounting the motors! If not hot glue then command strips, but you will probably end up needing to reinforce them quite often for the wheels to not come loose or out of alignment.


Optional Parts but HIGHLY recommended