- 1
Can SM3 be supported?
#105 opened by mrt3389 - 2
Types are packaged/exposed incorrectly
#104 opened by wKovacs64 - 2
Typescript build error
#103 opened by faljse - 7
Method chaining when using `update`
#100 opened by ADTC - 1
Incorrect project website in
#98 opened by jbjulia - 2
Reading custom amount of bytes with SHAKE
#97 opened by NayamAmarshe - 0
Deno support documentation
#91 opened by rojvv - 2
Installing this package via a <script> tag
#90 opened by emmahsax - 24
Error when i create jsSHA object
#82 opened by dhksrini - 2
Question : How to reset / clear for another hash?
#89 opened by z3dev - 3
SCRIPT:1002 Syntax Error
#88 opened by chirag-developer - 6
Recreate internal state
#87 opened by chekit - 12
#83 opened by z3dev - 6
- 4
Feature request: KMAC and cShake
#58 opened by paulg446 - 32
Could I import this module with es6 syntax?
#73 opened by guguji5 - 1
ESM package for jssha
#77 opened by ergo - 4
setHMACKey with B64
#81 opened by TitusInfo - 2
Native support for Uint8Array
#71 opened by nazar-pc - 1
Feature request: HKDF would be nice
#75 opened by kangert - 6
- 1
#80 opened by allves90-star - 4
Encrypt sha256 in c# and make it the same key
#79 opened by Nivaldo21 - 1
How to generate the SHA3-256 hash?
#78 opened by qingyang-id - 2
- 1
HMAC-512 value not match as Node.js HMAC
#70 opened by EasonWang01 - 2
hello,how can I use this with python pyexecjs
#69 opened by lifei1245 - 2
b64 concat
#68 opened - 2
- 1
- 4
outputFormat must be HEX, B64, or BYTES
#53 opened by FrancescoMussi - 3
encoding UTF16BE / UTF16LE is switched?
#64 opened by frostschutz - 4
jsSHA clone state
#63 opened by frostschutz - 3
Error: HMAC key already set
#65 opened by lmj0011 - 2
shaObj.setHMACKey is not a function
#62 opened by mathiasconradt - 3
Externs for jsSHA
#60 opened by IvanRF - 3
- 5
Upgrade path from older version
#56 opened by gurnard123 - 2
- 1
- 6
- 1
LICENSE file is missing some spaces
#52 opened by ChlorideCull - 2
Uncomplete Sentence in License
#50 opened by MaxG87 - 1
backwards compatibility question
#49 opened by idavollen - 3
Loop error
#45 opened by robalvsan - 3
- 2
- 4
Your documentation is misleading
#44 opened by alphashuro - 6
Add ArrayBuffer input/output support
#43 opened by Caligatio - 3
Using 'salt' value
#42 opened by mayacr86