This course is a hands-on introduction to coding starting with coding using Python and important coding tools such as Git, VsCode and the interactive terminal. Students will start by getting familiar with coding tools and the world of Python. In addition to using basic Python students will be able to leverage their basic coding skills to collaborate on a larger projects using Docassemble the popular legal application tool written in Python.
Yes, Python was named after Monty Python, the British comedy team.
Aug 29 Intro to Docassemble
Quinten is with the Greater Boston Legal Services and he will demonstate how they use Docassemble
Continue Lab Set up Python, VsCode, terminal, Git, Github
- Tools - The Terminal
- Tools - VsCode
- Tools - Git, Github
Chapter 2 Boring Stuff - Python Basics
Coding Exercises: Sept 12 - Python Basics
Reading: Chapter 2 - Boring Stuff