
🔥Campus-Run Node Server and Unity-3D WebGL🔥

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🏫 Campus-Run

Campus-Run is a 3D racing game set on a college campus.
Designed this service to comfort university students who are unable to visit the campus in person due to the COVID-19.
Providing various ways(text and video chat) to communicate with people from different universities
Enjoy your sprint! and never miss the chance to socialize with people without a mask 😷.

🎖 Capstone-Design Contest🎖
🎬 DEMO Video🎬

🕹 Node-Server

You can check the django-server here.
Mainly manage the Unity Build Date(WebGL Scripts) and socket connection.
Send a request to django-server to get a data of the database.

🧑🏻‍💻 Contributors

Youngkwon Kim

Web implementation
Django and Socket connection
Campus modeling

Sehoon In

Racing kart physical modeling
WebGL and Socket connection
Campus modeling

Jeeyoung Oh

Character modeling
Web style refactoring
