
A consistent synthetic dataset used for testing across the CanDIG stack.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Marathon of Hope(MoH) Test Synthetic Datasets

This repository includes three datasets (large, medium, small) in .csv format with different numbers of donors. Additionally, it contains genomic.json files that link samples from the datasets to genomic data in .bam, .cram, and .vcf formats, manifest.yml and moh.csv configured to run through clinical_ETL_code repository, raw_data_indexed.json and raw_data_map.json which are outputs from clinical_ETL_code.


  • Datasets:

  • Scripts: /src

    • json_to_csv.py: Used to convert the original synthetic data in Katsu to CSV files.
      • extra_donors.py: Adds extra donors to all datasets to test specific scenarios. Imported by json_to_csv.py.
      • post_processing.py: Edits data to ensure it meets conditional requirements of the model. Imported by json_to_csv.py.
    • csv_to_ingest.py: Script for running clinical_etl on a particular dataset to convert into ingestable jsons.

How to generate synthetic data using Mockaroo

See synthetic data folder in katsu: katsu/chord_metadata_service/mohpackets/data

How to convert mockaroo jsons to csv files

Setup a python virtual environment and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Clone the katsu repo and note the path it is cloned to

Run the json_to_csv.py script. Can be run with s, m or l specified for small, medium or large dataset conversion. By default, uses the small dataset.

python src/json_to_csv.py --size m --input /path/to/katsu/chord_metadata_service/mohpackets/data

The script takes the files in the given sized folder, in this case katsu/chord_metadata_service/mohpackets/data/medium_dataset/synthetic_data and converts the json files into csv files and stores them in medium_dataset_csv/raw_data. It converts and performs some minor value editing/replacement in order to ensure the data passes validation.

This should not need to be done unless the mockaroo data is regenerated at some point, such as to change the shape of the data or to incorporate a new data model change.

How to convert csv files to ingestable clinical json files

If you haven't done so already, set up a python virtual environment and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the csv_to_ingest.py script to convert a particular sized dataset to an ingestable json file

python src/csv_to_ingest.py --size m

Script uses the config files in the given folder to run CSVConvert from clinical_ETL_code and will output raw_data_map.json to the medium_dataset_csv folder. This file can be used for clinical data ingest.

Creating a custom dataset

Specifying dataset size


Specifying the --sample argument will sample the specified number of donors, divided approximately equally amongst the 10 programs in the large_dataset. The maximum number for this argument is 4999, as there are 5000 total donors in this dataset.

Output csvs and from the clinical_etl transformation will be saved in a folder named custom_dataset_csv-{sample}.


python src/csv_to_ingest.py --sample 387

Will create a dataset with 387 donors from the 10 programs in the large dataset, plus the three custom donors [DONOR_ALL_01, DONOR_ALL_02, DONOR_NULL] and save the results to custom_dataset_csv-387/.

--donor-number and --number-of-programs

These two arguments must be specified together. --donors-per-program specifies the number of donors to choose per program, and --number-of-programs determines how many programs to sample from. So the total number of donors in the dataset will be --donors-per-program x --number-of-programs. The donors are sampled from the large dataset so the maximum for --donors-per-program is 500 and the maximum for --number-of-programs is 10.

All outputs are saved into a folder called: custom_dataset_csv-{total_donors}


python src/csv_to_ingest.py --donor-number 20 --number-of-programs 4

Will create a dataset with 80 donors from 4 programs in the large dataset, plus the three custom donors [DONOR_ALL_01, DONOR_ALL_02, DONOR_NULL] and save the results to custom_dataset_csv-80/.

You can also specify a prefix alongside these arguments, e.g.

python src/csv_to_ingest.py --donor-number 20 --number-of-programs 4 --prefix CAN

Will create the same sized dataset as the previous example, saved in the same directory, but all identifiers are prepended with the CAN- prefix.

Specifying a prefix with --prefix

The --prefix argument can be used to prepend the specified prefix to all csvs in the dataset. When this argument is used, a new folder is created custom_dataset_csv-{prefix}, the edited csvs are saved in this folder and the manifest from the source dataset is used for clinical_etl conversion. The outputs from clinical_etl are also saved in this folder.

If the --prefix argument is used along with the --sample or --donors-per-program+number-of-programs arguments, the script saves the outputs in a directory called custom_dataset_csv-{total_donors}, but all identifiers are prepended with the given prefix.

How to generate genomic json files

Genomic files were created manually. We may in the future come up with a way of auto-generating these. We are also still working on testing these for functionality.