- 1
Better error message when Nginx config is not found
#30 opened by orhun - 4
- 9
Add arm64 and arm32 binaries on release
#24 opened by patrickelectric - 5
Support more output format
#20 opened by fadewalk - 2
`cargo install rhit` fails with E0659
#22 opened by V0ldek - 1
`cargo install rhit` failed
#23 opened by gnu4cn - 1
[question] What kind of logs this tool needs?
#21 opened by im-n1 - 1
parse nginx log_format
#4 opened by Canop - 3
can't seem to view the user-agent?
#15 opened by noangel2014 - 1
[Question] See status on path?
#19 opened by Geobert - 4
Distribute binary releases on PyPI
#5 opened by messense - 1
Bot traffic
#17 opened by kevinburke - 1
Multiple domain support
#16 opened by kevinburke - 3
not the default of NGINX log, how to format it
#12 opened by kof8855 - 4
Can't specify multiple files
#14 opened by victor-david - 3
Do you want rhit on Windows ?
#7 opened by Canop - 7
- 2
Ignore logrotate lines
#8 opened by copy - 7
[Error] empty log file
#3 opened by wang1212 - 8
- 2
Option `--color`
#1 opened by Stargateur