
Pipeline and code for analyzing human Neuropixels data

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Pipeline and code for analyzing human Neuropixels data The code included here is for use in processing human Neuropixels data which includes deidentification, saving into a common format along with meta-information, integrating depth and other information for re-saving the data.


Running the processing with this code can be done with the following data sets:


The code included here includes a series of steps with the associated code:

  1. re-save de-identified Neuropixels neural recording data (either SpikeGLX or OpenEphys) into an int16 binary file for later processing
    • Code used: /PreprocessingLoading/ExampleFileDeID.m
    • Input file formats: SpikeGLX .bin files or OpenEphys .dat files with metadata files
    • Output file formats: XXXXXX.ap.bin and XXXXXX.lf.bin files (int16)
  2. re-save needed meta-information from the raw data
    • Code used:
      • OpenEphys channel information extracted with /PreprocessingLoading/ElectrodeLocationsImportSaveOpenEphys.py using https://github.com/SpikeInterface/probeinterface/ followed by /PreprocessingLoading/readingChannelPositionsOpenEphysJson.m to read channel map information into Matlab
      • SpikeGLX channel information extracted with /PreprocessingLoading/SGLXMetaToCoords.m
    • Input file formats: SpikeGLX META files or OpenEphys metadata files
    • Output file formats: XXXXXX_ChannelMap.mat
  3. integrating depth and other information from a tabulated spreadsheet
    • Code used: none, manual entry, use RelevantDataExamples/PlottingLFP.m code to visualize the LFP voltage to identify the time ranges and channel ranges to use
    • Input file formats: none, manual entry
    • Output file formats: excel or .csv file including relevant information
  4. re-save the neural data to include only the contacts in the brain and time range with clean recordings for performing motion registration using DREDge
    • Code used: /PreprocessingLoading/savingBinaryFilesorMotionRegistraton.m
    • Input file formats: excel (or CSV) spreadsheet indicating experimental details, raw binary files, channel map (.mat) files
    • Output file formats: Binary file with modified channel map including only the time range and electrode range indicated
  5. perform the DREDge tracking through time to get the tracked motion
    • Code used: https://github.com/evarol/dredge
    • Input file formats: All*.lf.bin (LFP files) and channel map (AllinBrain*_ChannelMap.mat) file including recording details
    • Output file formats: DepthMicronsTracking.csv tracked motion
  6. perform the Interpolation of the data to correct for the motion
    • Code used: Interpolation code (https://github.com/williamunoz/InterpolationAfterDREDge)
      • Code to perform the interpolation and realigning using Kilosort 2.5 code: DREDge_Interpolation/Scripts/Realignment/RealignWithDredge_Wrapper.m
    • Input file formats: *.ap.bin files saved with only the time range of the motion tracked data, chanMap files, and the .csv DREDge motion tracking files
    • Output file formats: interpolated continuous .dat files adjusted for motion

Dependencies include from the below code:

Useful code (either used in this pipeline or optional code):

SpikeGLX import and processing code: https://billkarsh.github.io/SpikeGLX/#post-processing-tools

Probe Interface (used for getting the channel map from the OpenEphys files):

readNPY and readNPYHeader from npy-matlab package from kwik-team: https://github.com/kwikteam/npy-matlab

Open Ephys loading code: load_open_ephys_binary: https://github.com/open-ephys/analysis-tools

Motion Registration and Interpolation code

DREDge (Decentralized Registration of Electrophysiology Data) Motion registration code (python version used in this processing): https://github.com/evarol/dredge

Interpolation code- One optional approach for interpolating the code following DREDge motion tracking: https://github.com/williamunoz/InterpolationAfterDREDge

Alternately, motion correction software in SpikeInterface (https://github.com/SpikeInterface/spikeinterface ), specifically the Motion correction function (https://spikeinterface.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#module-spikeinterface.sortingcomponents.motion_correction )

For overall neural data analysis and anatomical processing:

MATLAB: https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html

Freesurfer: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/DownloadAndInstall

Fieldtrip: https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/

MMVT-lite: https://github.com/pelednoam/mmvt_lite

For de-identification:

Fieldtrip: https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/

For standardizing the data in iEEG BIDS format:

BIDS starter kit WIKI: https://bids-standard.github.io/bids-starter-kit/

BIDS starter kit GitHub: https://github.com/bids-standard/bids-starter-kit