EarthKAM Explorer. Web-based 3D exploration of satellite images taken by middle school students through the ISS EarthKAM program. Developed for the NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2013.
- 15652181535
- ajinkyakulkarniUniversity of Alabama in Huntsville
- alexbainSan Francisco, CA
- bagnellCesium
- buaaleosat
- emackeyAnalytical Graphics, Inc.
- flylong0204
- geonuxCS Group
- hbtech-aiHbtech
- JacolMark
- JT5DThe IMC Lab + Gallery
- mramatoCesium GS, Inc.
- pacozaaThailand
- pjcozziCesium
- Rambo2015
- RichardQZengUniversity of Calgary
- TomLeeLiveRepublic of Korea
- wellington1993Hotsoft Informática @hotsoft-desenv2