
Pytorch implementation for FAT: learning low-bitwidth parametric representation via frequency-aware transformation

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

FAT: Learning Low-Bitwidth Parametric Representation via Frequency-Aware Transformation


Learning Low-Bitwidth Parametric Representation via Frequency-Aware Transformation


  • Model the task of quantization via a representation transform and a standard quantizer, which enjoys fast training and easy deployment.
  • Do not need mixed-precision, adaptive quantization levels or complicated training policy.
  • Deepen our understanding of quantization from a frequency-domain viewpoint.
  • Can be easily plugged into many CNN architectures to achieve model compression.


If you use FAT_Quantization in your research, please kindly cite this work by

  title={FAT: Learning Low-Bitwidth Parametric Representation via Frequency-Aware Transformation},
  author={Tao, Chaofan and Lin, Rui and Chen, Quan and Zhang, Zhaoyang and Luo, Ping and Wong, Ngai},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.07444},


This code is tested on both PyTorch 1.3 (cuda 10.2) and PyTorch 1.7(cuda 11.0).

git clone https://github.com/ChaofanTao/FAT_Quantization.git
cd FAT_Quantization
# conda 安装
conda install pytorch torchvision  -c pytorch
# pip 安装
pip install torch torchvision
pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 torchvision==0.8.2+cu110 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

Training and Evaluation

If making evaluation of a 4-bit resnet_20 on CIFAR-10 dataset, you can download the checkpoints in test_dir, and locate it as cifar10/test_dir. Then simply use:

cd cifar10
python main.py --arch resnet_20 --test_only --bit 5 --gpu 0   # eval
python main.py --arch resnet_20  --bit 5 --gpu 0   # train

The evaluation output is in test_dir/resnet_20_5bit/. If you are using old version of PyTorch, you may first do train part and then evaluation part.

You can use --arch to switch network architectures (--arch resnet_56, --arch vgg_7_bn) and use --bit for different bits (e.g. 2~5 bits). Similarly, you can train on different network architectures and bits. Or you can simply run this to train quantized resnet.

sh train_resnet.sh

You can use argument --use_pretrain to decide whether training from scratch. For example, if using --use_pretrain to train a 4-bit model, it will start training from 5-bit pretrained checkpoint.

Training and evaluation on ILSVRC2012-ImageNet is similar. The directory of ImageNet {ImageNet_data_path} should be like that:

    |- train
    |- val

For example, training resnet_34, sh train_resnet.sh or

python main.py --arch resnet_34 --data_dir {ImageNet_data_path} \
--batch_size 512 --bit 4 --gpu 0,1,2,3

In default setting, we employ the proposed FAT with uniform quantizer. You can also employ logarithmic quantizer by switching power=True in class FAT_QuantConv2d in models/fat_quantization.py

Core Code

The proposed transform FAT:

def weight_deactivate_freq(weight, transform=None, fc=False):
        for conv layer (without bias), weight is a 4-D tensor with shape [cout, cin, kh, kw]
        for fc layer, weight is a 2-D tensor with shape [cout, cin]
        The fully-connected layer used for transform the magnitude.
        whether a conv layer or a fc layer.

    if fc:
        cout, cin = weight.size()
        cout, cin, kh, kw = weight.size()

    device = weight.device
    # flatten weight
    reshape_weight = weight.reshape(cout, -1)
    stack_w = torch.stack([reshape_weight, torch.zeros_like(reshape_weight).to(device)], dim=-1)
    # map weight to frequency domain
    # compared with spatial domain, the information in frequency domain is much more concentrated 
    # on several frequency bases.
    fft_w = torch.fft(stack_w, 1)
    # compute the norm in the frequency domain
    mag_w = torch.norm(fft_w, dim=-1)
    assert transform is not None
    freq_score = transform(torch.transpose(mag_w, 0, 1))
    # generate soft mask for each element in weight spectrum
    mask = torch.sigmoid(freq_score)
    mask = mask.permute(1, 0)
    restore_ffw = fft_w * mask.unsqueeze(2)

    # map weight back to spatial domain
    restore_w = torch.ifft(restore_ffw, 1)[..., 0]

    if fc:
        restore_w = restore_w.view(cout, cin)
        restore_w = restore_w.view(cout, cin, kh, kw)
    return restore_w, (mask.max().item(), mask.min().item())

# Just send the transformed weight to a simple quantizer, e.g. uniform quantizer
weight_transform = weight_deactivate_freq(weight, transform, fc)  
weight_q = uniform_quantizer(weight_transform)  

activation_q = uniform_quantizer(activation) 
output = conv(activation_q, weight_q)

Accuracy on Uniform Quantizer

Results of CIFAR-10 dataset

Weight/Activation ResNet-20 ResNet-56 VGG-Small
4 bit / 4 bit 93.2 94.6 94.4
3 bit / 3 bit 92.8 94.3 94.3

Results of ImageNet dataset

Weight/Activation ResNet-18 ResNet-34 MobileNetV2
5 bit / 5 bit 70.8 74.6 69.6
4 bit / 4 bit 70.5 74.1 69.2
3 bit / 3 bit 69.0 73.2 62.8

Accuracy on Logarithmic Quantizer

Results of CIFAR-10 dataset

Weight/Activation ResNet-20 ResNet-56 VGG-Small
4 bit / 4 bit 92.0 93.8 93.8
3 bit / 3 bit 92.2 93.7 93.7
2 bit / 2 bit 91.1 93.3 93.3

Results of ImageNet dataset

Weight/Activation ResNet-18 ResNet-34
4 bit / 4 bit 68.8 73.3
3 bit / 3 bit 68.7 73.2
2 bit / 2 bit 64.3 70.1


FAT_Quantization is released under MIT License.


This code is inspired by APoT. We thanks for this open-source implementation.