
Yardstick One Scripts for your RF Adventures

Primary LanguagePython


Yardstick One Scripts for your RF Adventures.. receive/replay/rolljam fun! 00DEA4C9-2C54-43AB-953D-E68D4F0A9D72


I am not responsible for the usage of this utility, it is simply for researching and experimentation for myself. The user, YOU take full responsibility for your actions.


Python3/2 One Yardstick one minimum (rfcat installed)

Optional Settings

If you are using a raspberry pi to do your duties

  1. RaspAP to connected to rpi w/o internet (create ap) -- https://raspap.com

  2. rpitx (if using rpitx to rolljam) -- https://github.com/F5OEO/rpitx Read Key Notes

  3. Two yardstick ones ONLY if using for rolljam


# Installs bullet library for interactive mode
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Key Notes

To use rpitx for rolljam attacks, please be sure you have it INSTALLED!

  • and have an antenna (copper wire) connected to GPIO 4

    -- put the jammer.iq file into the rpitx directory (I got lazy so do it for me)

    -- sendiq IN rpitx needs sudo so be wary of such (for me at least)



usage: yardRF.py [-h] [-f FREQUENCY] [-m MODULATION] [-b BAUDRATE] [-d DEVIATION]
                 [-s CHANNEL_SPACING] [-cb CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH] [-bs BLOCKSIZE] [-min MINRSSI]
                 [-max MAXRSSI] [-amp] [-n NUMBER] [-o OUTPUT] [-c CAP] [-auto]
                 [-rpiJ RPITX_JAMMER] [-ysJ] [-t] [-i]

YardRF is for your capturing/replaying/rolljam fun

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FREQUENCY, --frequency FREQUENCY
                        Specify frequency to listen on [default: 433.92MHz (433920000)]
  -m MODULATION, --modulation MODULATION
                        Specify modulation type [default: MOD_ASK_OOK] examples:
  -b BAUDRATE, --baudrate BAUDRATE
                        Specify sample rate, baudrate [default: 3793] example: 3794
  -d DEVIATION, --deviation DEVIATION
                        Specify deviation [default: 0] examples: 23803, 47607, 2930
                        Specify Channel Spacing, optional [Default: 25000]
                        Specify channel bandwidth, optional [default: 0]
  -bs BLOCKSIZE, --blocksize BLOCKSIZE
                        Specify blocksize for packet capture length [default: 250]
                        Specify minimum rssi db to accept signal [default: -40]
                        Specify maximum rssi db to accept signal [default 100]
  -amp, --amp           Enable yardstick one amplifier
  -n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
                        Specify number of signals to send [Default: 1 transmission]
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Specify name of output file to replay captured signals [.cap file
  -c CAP, --cap CAP     Specify cap file to replay previously captured signals
  -auto, --auto         Enable to automatically send captures/cap files / Use in conjunction
                        with -rj/--rolljam to send the first signal automatically
  -rpiJ RPITX_JAMMER, --rpitx_jammer RPITX_JAMMER
                        Enable jammer with rpitx by specifying rpitx directory [ie.
  -ysJ, --yardstick_jammer
                        Enable jammer with an EXTRA yardstick one
  -t, --tesla_port      Send tesla charging port signal
  -i, --interactive     Enter "Interactive" mode [CMD GUI]

Usage for yardRF

python3 yardRF.py -i

-- enables interactive mode

python3 yardRF.py -t

-- sends the signal to open teslas charging port

python3 yardRF.py -f 300000000 -o unlock.cap

-- captures signals on frequency 300MHz, and saves such to a output file

python3 yardRF.py -f 315000000 -n 1 -d 2930 -m 2fsk -auto

-- captures signals on frequency 315MHz, sets deviation to 2930 and modulation to MOD_2FSK, (-auto): sends the captures automatically, (-n/--number): amount of times to retransmit signal

• Usage with rpitx & extra yardstick for rolljam

rpitx usage -- see Key Notes for setup

python3 yardRF.py -f 433920000 -n 1 -rpiJ ~/rpitx/ -m 2fsk -d 47607.42 -o unlock.cap

-- captures signals on frequency 433.92MH, send the signals only once (-n/--number), use rpitx for jammer by specifying the path to rpitx (-rpiJ/--rpitx_jammer), set the modulation to 2fsk [default: ASK_OOK] (-m/--modulation), set the deviation to 47607.42 [47.60742] (-d/--deviation), save captured signals to an output file

Extra Yardstick One rolljam usage

python3 yardRF.py -f 305000000 -n 1 -ysJ -m 2fsk -o unlock.cap

-- captures signals on frequency 305MHz, send the signals only once (-n/--number), use additional yardstick one to jam (-ysJ/--yardstick_jammer), set the modulation to 2fsk [default: ASK_OOK] (-m/--modulation), save captures to a file (-o/--output)

Honorable Mention(s)