
RPG skills plugin for Minecraft servers

Primary LanguageJava


RPG skills plugin for 1.16 Minecraft servers

This plugin adds RPG-like skills as well as magic spells to any Paper server. PaperAPI is a hard requirement, no Bukkit or Spigot! There are a number of paperapi specific calls that are used. Feel free to download, compile, modify however you like. This was created for personal use as a hobby project and will be published when it's completed, which I'm 70% of the way there. What remains is fleshing out the skills further and I'm mid-way through a rewrite to clean up prototype code and allow for more user configuration.

To get you started, /er-skills will give a list of commands in-game or you can use /skills to see a GUI to see your skills, their Xp, and their relevant passive and active abillities. Right-clicking with a relevant tool/weapon will activate a tradeskill ability and sneak + right-click will activate combat abilities. I make as much use of UI as I can and aside from admin tools and the skills command you wont find yourself rooting through the chat window like its still Beta 1.3! There are some other rpg-related QoL additions included, such as mob health bars showing at the top of your screen.