
🌟 Explore the mesmerizing world of MIPS assembly with MIPS-Emulator! Execute 32-bit instructions, track register states, and dive into the art of automation. Experience the power of emulation in this captivating MIPS emulator. 🚀

HexaMIPS: The MIPS Emulation Marvel

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Welcome to HexaMIPS - your ultimate MIPS architecture emulator! This project aims to emulate a small, simple subset of the MIPS architecture, making it a valuable resource for understanding and experimenting with MIPS instructions.

HexaMIPS in Action


🚀 Highly Accurate Emulation: HexaMIPS provides an accurate emulation environment for a subset of the MIPS architecture, ensuring your code runs as expected.

🔧 Flexible Input: Accepts 32-bit hexadecimal instructions from various sources, making it easy to test your MIPS programs.

📜 Instruction Set Support: HexaMIPS supports a range of MIPS instructions, including ADD, SUB, AND, OR, SLT, MUL, BEQ, BNE, ADDI, SLTI, ANDI, ORI, and LUI.

💡 Clear Output: HexaMIPS generates clear and informative output, making it easy to understand the results of your MIPS code.

🎉 Syscall Support: Handle syscalls gracefully with HexaMIPS, ensuring your programs can interact with the operating system.

Getting Started

To get started with HexaMIPS, follow these simple steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/hexamips.git
  2. Compile the code using your preferred C compiler.

    gcc hexamips.c -o hexamips
  3. Run HexaMIPS with a MIPS instruction file.

    ./hexamips input.hex
  4. Explore the generated output and register values after execution.


Here's a quick example of using HexaMIPS:

$ ./hexamips example.hex

  0: add  $3, $0, $0
  1: addi $4, $0, 10
  2: beq  $3, $4, 7
  3: add  $2, $3, $4
  4: sub  $5, $4, $3
  5: slt  $6, $2, $3
  6: and  $7, $2, $4
  7: or   $8, $2, $5

Registers After Execution
$2  = 10
$3  = 0
$4  = 10
$5  = 10
$6  = 0
$7  = 0
$8  = 10


Contributions to HexaMIPS are welcome! Feel free to open issues, submit pull requests, or provide feedback to help us improve this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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