Simulation platform of a Layered Approach for Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF).
Layered MAPF is a newly proposed algorithm for solving Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) problems. This algorithm adopts a hybrid cloud-edge-terminal architecture, which consists of one centralized cloud server and multiple decentralized edge servers and terminals (robots). The robots plan their path using a two-level A* algorithm guided by heat maps, improving computing efficiency and avoiding most potential conflicts.
Demo videos can be found following this link:
2D Simulation View
3D Simulation View
Heat Map Visualizer
Map Editor
Edit grid map with MS Excel and save as
files. -
Map Converter
maps (including robot arrangements) tojson
files. The simulation program will readjson
files at runtime before the simulation begins. -
Random Task Generator
Generate random tasks given the
maps and corresponding robot arrangements.
Layered Architecture:
Flow Chart:
Original Map:
Partitioned Map and Topological Map:
Online Scheduling Phase: Two-level A* algorithm guided by heat maps
Heat Map Generation (For one single agent):
- T-Shape Generation Algorithm is shown as an example.
Complete Heat Map (with all agents included):
- Unity 2019.4.5f1
Please check the wiki to see how to use this program.