Linux-cpp-python repository : Images Preprocessing for Semantic Segmentation
at least: opencv 2.4.3 or opencv 3.0.x
python : opencv-python, labelme(option) ...
Dataset Struct: example for KITTI
data_semantics ├── testing │ └── image_2
└── training ├── image_2
├── semantic
Folder named image_2 is Image sequence for RGB with the suffix ".png" ; Folder named semantic is Image sequence for annotation of semantic segmentation. And in this folder, each Image is uint8 8bit in single channel, with the suffix ".png", Each pixel value in image represents a semantic category ID. Attention : name of the same image in "image_2" folder or "semantic" folder is also the same.
Modification of documents :
- ./src/ replace "strPatternRGB" and "strPatternSem" with your own folder's name.
- ./app/main.cpp: adjust percentage values for each category for image preprocessing.
mkdir NewRGB && mkdir NewSem
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j4
../app/main <dataset path>
and new images in the NewRGB and NewSem folder.
At last , cp NewRGB -> image_2 ; NewSem->semantic and
python --datasetPath <new-dataset-path> --outputPath <output-dataset>
prefix for new images and semantics:
- SD_X: SimpleDeformation
- RS_: Resize
- T_: Tailor
- I _: Illumination
- C_: Contrast
- IC_: Illumination and Contrast
- S_: Saturation
- M4_: Mosaic (refer to yolo v4)
- RE_: RandomErasure (refer to yolo v4)