
A curated list of image manipulation detection and localization and related resources.


A curated list of image forensics works (including image manipulation dataset, image manipulation detection, image manipulation localization, etc.) and related resources. This is inspired by Awesome-FAS, Awesome-deep-vision, Awesome-adversarial-machine-learning, Awesome-deep-learning-papers, Awesome-NAS and Awesome-Pruing.

Please feel free to pull requests or open an issue to add papers.



Name Release year Venue Download #Pristine #Manipulated #Copy-move #Splicing #Inpainting
AutoSplice 2023 CVPRW link 2273 3621 0 3621 0
IMD2020 2020 WACVW link 404 2010 - - -
DEFACTO 2019 EUSIPCO github 0 149k 19k 105k 25k
In-the-Wild 2018 ECCV github 0 201 0 201 0
Korus 2016 WIFS github 220 220 - - -
Carvalho 2016 IEEE TIFS link 100 100 0 100 0
NIST2016 2016 OpenMFC link 0 564 68 288 208
COVER 2016 ICIP github 100 100 100 0 0
WildWeb 2015 ICMEW link 99 9657 0 9657 0
CASIAv1 2013 ChinaSIP github 800 920 459 461 0
IFC 2013 IFC-TC [link] 1050 450 - - -
CASIAv2 2013 ChinaSIP github 7491 5123 3295 1828 0
Columbia 2006 ICME link 183 180 0 180 0


Year 2024

Title Release year Venue Modality Pixel-level Image-level Code
Prompt Augmentation for Self-supervised Text-guided Image Manipulation 2024 CVPR - - - -
DiffForensics: Leveraging Diffusion Prior to Image Forgery Detection and Localization 2024 CVPR - - - -
UnionFormer: Unified-Learning Transformer with Multi-View Representation for Image Manipulation Detection and Localization 2024 CVPR - - - -
Towards Modern Image Manipulation Localization: A Large-Scale Dataset and Novel Methods 2024 CVPR - - - -

Year 2023

Title Release year Venue Modality Pixel-level Image-level Code
Uncertainty-guided Learning for Improving Image Manipulation Detection 2023 ICCV RGB Y N -
SAFL-Net: Semantic-Agnostic Feature Learning Network with Auxiliary Plugins for Image Manipulation Detection 2023 ICCV RGB Y Y -
Pre-training-free Image Manipulation Localization through Non-Mutually Exclusive Contrastive Learning 2023 ICCV RGB Y N github
Pixel-Inconsistency Modeling for Image Manipulation Localization 2023 ArXiv RGB&Boundary Y Y -
Learning to Immunize Images for Tamper Localization and Self-Recovery 2023 T-PAMI RGB Y N -
Transformer-Based Image Inpainting Detection via Label Decoupling and Constrained Adversarial Training 2023 T-CSVT RGB&Boundary Y N -
Explicit Visual Prompting for Low-Level Structure Segmentations 2023 CVPR RGB&Frequency Y Y github
Edge-aware Regional Message Passing Controller for Image Forgery Localization 2023 CVPR RGB&Noise Y N -
TruFor: Leveraging all-round clues for trustworthy image forgery detection and localization 2023 CVPR RGB&Noise Y Y github
Image manipulation detection by multiple tampering traces and edge artifact enhancemen 2023 Pattern Recognition RGB&Noise Y N -

Year 2022

Title Release year Venue Modality Pixel-level Image-level Code
A Principled Design of Image Representation: Towards Forensic Tasks 2022 T-PAMI RGB&DIR Y N github
Towards JPEG-resistant Image Forgery Detection and Localization via Self-supervised Domain Adaptation 2022 T-PAMI RGB&Noise Y Y -
MVSS-Net: Multi-View Multi-Scale Supervised Networks for Image Manipulation Detection 2022 T-PAMI RGB&Noise Y Y github
ET: Edge-Enhanced Transformer for Image Splicing Detection 2022 SPL RGB&Boundary Y N -
Learning JPEG Compression Artifacts for Image Manipulation Detection and Localization 2022 IJCV RGB&Noise Y N github
Robust Image Forgery Detection Against Transmission Over Online Social Networks 2022 T-IFS RGB Y N github
PSCC-Net: Progressive Spatio-Channel Correlation Network for Image Manipulation Detection and Localization 2022 T-CSVT RGB Y Y github
Objectformer for image manipulation detection and localization 2022 CVPR RGB&Frequency Y Y -
Robust Image Forgery Detection Over Online Social Network Shared Images 2022 CVPR RGB Y N github
JPEG Compression-aware Image Forgery Localization 2022 MM RGB Y N -
Generic Image Manipulation Localization through the Lens of Multi-scale Spatial Inconsistence 2022 MM RGB&Boundary Y N -
JPEG Compression-aware Image Forgery Localization 2022 MM RGB&Boundary Y N -
ESRNet: Efficient Search and Recognition Network for Image Manipulation Detection 2022 TOMM RGB Y N github
Learning to localize image forgery using end-to-end attention network 2022 Neurocomputing RGB&Frequency Y N github

Year 2021

Title Release year Venue Modality Pixel-level Image-level Code
Image Splicing Detection, Localization and Attribution via JPEG Primary Quantization Matrix Estimation and Clustering 2021 T-IFS RGB Y Y -
Image Tampering Localization Using a Dense Fully Convolutional Network 2021 T-IFS RGB Y N github
Multi-Task SE-Network for Image Splicing Localization 2021 T-CSVT RGB Y N github
Self-supervised Domain Adaptation for Forgery Localization of JPEG Compressed Images 2021 ICCV RGB Y Y -
Image Manipulation Detection by Multi-View Multi-Scale Supervision 2021 ICCV RGB&Noise Y Y github
TransForensics: Image Forgery Localization with Dense Self-Attention 2021 ICCV RGB Y N -
CAT-Net: Compression artifact tracing network for detection and localization of image splicing 2021 WACV RGB&Noise Y N github
SPAN: Spatial pyramid attention network for image manipulation localization 2020 ECCV RGB&Noise Y N github

Year 2017-2020

Title Release year Venue Modality Pixel-level Image-level Code
Generate, Segment, and Refine: Towards Generic Manipulation Segmentation 2020 AAAI RGB Y N github
Constrained R-CNN: A general image manipulation detection model 2020 ICME Noise Y N github
Hybrid lstm and encoder–decoder architecture for detection of image forgeries 2019 T-IP RGB Y N github
Adversarial Learning for Constrained Image Splicing Detection and Localization Based on Atrous Convolution 2019 T-IFS RGB Y N github
Forensic Similarity for Digital Images 2019 T-IFS RGB Y N github
Noiseprint: A CNN-Based Camera Model Fingerprint 2019 T-IFS RGB&Noise Y N github
Mantra-net: Manipulation tracing network for detection and localization of image forgeries with anomalous features 2019 CVPR RGB&Frequency Y N github
Localization of Deep Inpainting Using High-Pass Fully Convolutional Network 2019 ICCV High Frequency Y N github
Learning rich features for image manipulation detection 2018 CVPR RGB&Noise Y N github
Fighting Fake News: Image Splice Detection via Learned Self-Consistency 2018 ECCV RGB Y N github
Image splicing localization using a multi-task fully convolutional network (MFCN) 2017 VCIR RGB Y N -

If you feel useful about this repo, we would be happy you are also interested in our works and use our papers your work's reference.

  title={Pixel-Inconsistency Modeling for Image Manipulation Localization},
  author={Kong, Chenqi and Luo, Anwei and Wang, Shiqi and Li, Haoliang and Rocha, Anderson and Kot, Alex C},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.00234},