Notes and workarounds for accessing the Mac OS X pasteboard in tmux sessions. Note: The pu branch (“Proposed Updates”) may be rewound without notice.
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why not use iTerm2 that seems to have patched tmux and have it on the read mes
#77 opened by brando90 - 2
Big Sur Warning Message
#76 opened by vinurs - 36
Getting extra characters when pasting
#31 opened by robbiet480 - 13
Not needed for Tmux 2.6+
#66 opened by aleksandrs-ledovskis - 2
- 0
Contacts broken in Mojave
#72 opened by keith - 15
This no longer works on macOS Sierra
#56 opened by jsatk - 2
Unsupported new OS - Mojave
#71 opened by kleinjm - 1
extra character showing
#68 opened by webkernel - 1
What's the difference between `copy-pipe-and-cancel` and `copy-selection-and-cancel`? Where is the manual for these commands?
#67 opened by nnop - 4
- 0
Do not work with Chinese
#63 opened by adoyle-h - 4
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reattach-to-user-namespace doesn't seem to work for tmux commands when tmux is started directly (and not from a shell)
#58 opened by jeroenj - 14
Yosemite tmux oddities
#43 opened by keith - 3
Required again on sierra
#53 opened by purge - 0
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Trouble using this when using emacs bindings and running emacs from within tmux
#55 opened by apolishch - 5
Opening URLs with `open` under Yosemite fails
#37 opened by mrnugget - 6
Sierra Warning Message
#52 opened by zacheryph - 2
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zsh prompt char disappears with `set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l zsh`
#48 opened by srustamo - 1
Failed to installed on Mac OsX Yesomite 10.10.5
#46 opened by mahesh557 - 5
Seems El Capitan (OS X 10.11) broke functionality
#45 opened by berinle - 5
Shows warning on El Capitan
#44 opened by hotpxl - 2
El Capitan Support
#42 opened by JoshOldenburg - 2
- 6
Won't work with Mac OS Yosemite Public Beta
#29 opened by JohanTan - 1
"port uninstall tmux-pasteboard" failed to restore default cut-and-paste behavior
#38 opened by berniey - 5
I can't use pbcopy on tmux.
#32 opened by umiyosh - 1
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Crash on Load on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite)
#35 opened by AnthonyDiSanti - 1
Failure under OSX Yosemite
#34 opened by iljamaas - 2
OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) support?
#33 opened by RobinClowers - 1
Borked in Yosemite
#28 opened by jornado - 11
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.zshenv loading twice
#23 opened by artemave - 1
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Upstream into tmux
#17 opened by rking - 6
Spurious newlines occur when a process forks
#16 opened by dsturnbull - 3
Incorrect argument processing
#13 opened by eirnym - 3
Command not running for new windows in session
#15 opened by dylansm - 1
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rename reattach-to-user-namespace to zsh
#10 opened by styts