Notes and workarounds for accessing the Mac OS X pasteboard in tmux sessions. Note: The pu branch (“Proposed Updates”) may be rewound without notice.
- alvas
- anthonybrownMassachusetts
- ashizawaTokyo, Japan
- Bivek
- Brijen
- ChrisJohnsenUSA, TX
- daiikedaEventRegist Co., Ltd.
- darrenkennyDublin, Ireland
- datoubanzhuanSuzhou, China
- demon386@DiDi
- dhaleyNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
- felipemeamaralSão Paulo, Brazil
- fjoanis
- happy-dude
- honoodBeijing, China
- JadeGeek
- jcanfield@codeclarity
- jevinskieLafayette, Indiana
- jhcloos
- Joaquin6Overland Park, KS
- keith@ModularML
- kineta-Jiang
- lebibin@carabao-capital
- mayuluISV
- mediba-Kitada
- memre@trilogy-group
- mikeq0630Cali, Colombia
- RussBrown00902 Labs
- sbytnar
- tchonWalmartLabs
- timothyquachUbiquity6
- tzarskyz
- vinnixTriarius
- virifi
- WarpEngineer
- zanyouFreakOut Inc.