
sliding DFT for FPGA, targetting Lattice ICE40 1k

Primary LanguageVerilog

FFT on an FPGA

having a go at some DSP on an FPGA. I'm basing the design on this paper:


This is a sliding discrete Fourier transform. It requires two real adds and one complex multiply per frequency bin. The transform is run for every new sample taken.


sdft vs fft


  • make show-sdft - use yosys show to see how the design is inferred
  • make debug-sdft - use iverilog, vvp and gtkwave to show the results of the testbench
  • make - build everything
  • make prog - program the icestick


  • Read the resources
  • Implement HDL twiddle factor ROM
  • Implement an SDFT in Python using the same pattern
  • Why doesn't makefile build from scratch? - missing a file
  • Why do freq bin regs overflow almost immediately in the testbench? scaling
  • How to do scaling - the twiddle factors are scaled to fill the hole register so things overflow quickly, divide by 127
  • Why doesn't pnr work? - it does, but the module wasn't being used so yosys was removing it
  • make the python tools parse test/localparams.vh - very basic but works OK
  • adc connected, pinout is correct. sampleing has to be done on clock negedge


  • how to deal with timing analysis being lower than the clock I'm using

FPGA resources used

Using an 8k device:

IOs          18 / 206
GBs          0 / 8
  GB_IOs     0 / 8
LCs          3619 / 7680
  DFF        120
  CARRY      512
  DFF PASS   86
BRAMs        13 / 32
WARMBOOTs    0 / 1
PLLs         1 / 2
