It is Old time favorite Ping-Pong game. This Game is for 2-Player and it is part of my Network Project.
- Go here for the Output Image. It will take you to the Final Output, which should look like this:
- Enjoy!
Comes in multiple parts: the installation instructions and the different layers of code. These are discussed below. When discussing the directories these are in here
This project is written in java [IDE: netbeans]
When you Run Project. Do This Steps
- Press S to Create a Server on Server PC
- Press C to Create a Client on Client PC
- Then Enter IP and Port and Play with Given Controls.
I don't have Team. I am the 'LoneWolf'.
1.0 Basic Server and Client Connection
1.1.0 Problem solved with Server Errors
1.2.0 Updates in Board Image and Bug Improvement
1.2.1 Stable Version and Accepted Version for Presentation.
more will do if get time..
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Enjoy Game!! Happy Coding..