
Chanjo provides a better way to analyze coverage data in clinical sequencing.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Chanjo is coverage analysis for clinical sequencing. It's implemented in Python with a command line interface that adheres to [UNIX pipeline philosophy][unix].

If you find chanjo useful in your project, please cite the [article][publication].


Chanjo is distributed through pip. Install the latest stable release by running:

pip install chanjo

... or locally for development:

git clone https://github.com/Clinical-Genomics/chanjo.git
cd chanjo
conda install --channel bioconda sambamba
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt --editable .


Chanjo exposes a decomposable command line interface with a nifty config file implementation.

chanjo init --setup
chanjo load /path/to/sambamba.output.bed
chanjo calculate mean
{"metrics": {"completeness_10": 90.92, "mean_coverage": 193.85}, "sample_id": "sample1"}


When running the dockerized version of Chanjo the setup process is slightly different. Chanjo depends on a configuration file config.yaml and either a sqlite database chanjo.coverage.sqlite3 or a MySQL database, which are created at initialization. For convenience, we provide a docker-compose file containing a mariadb (MySQL-based) service and the chanjo-command line that can be used to set up a demo instance of Chanjo. Since the database set up (chanjo init command) and sample data insertion are executed by two distinct instances of the same service (chanjo-cli), Docker volumes must be used to make sure that the database instance has data continuity during the two steps. The following examples demonstrate how to set up Chanjo using the docker-compose file using the default definition of exons (init demo files are present in folder chanjo/init/demo-files). The config file and the creted database will be stored on the host in a folder named data, which is mirrored by folder /home/worker/data in the chanjo container . Other exon definitions can be used by mounting them to the container.

Example with MySQL-based database (MariaDB)

# Build a docker image
docker-compose build
# Set up chanjo and populate demo database with exons definitions
docker-compose run --rm -v "${PWD}/data:/home/worker/data" -v "${PWD}/data/database:/home/worker/data/database" chanjo-cli bash -c "chanjo -d mysql+pymysql://chanjoUser:chanjoPassword@mariadb/chanjo4_test init --auto /home/worker/data && chanjo --config /home/worker/data/chanjo.yaml link /home/worker/data/hgnc.grch37p13.exons.bed"

This initial step will create a data folder containing 2 files:

  • hgnc.grch37p13.exons.bed --> Exons definitions
  • chanjo.yaml --> Contains the database URI, so in the next step you can use this config file instead of -d mysql+pymysql://chanjoUser:chanjoPassword@mariadb/chanjo4_test
# Load sample
docker-compose run --rm -v "${PWD}/data:/home/worker/data" -v "${PWD}/data/database:/home/worker/data/database" chanjo-cli bash -c "chanjo --config /home/worker/data/chanjo.yaml load /home/worker/app/chanjo/init/demo-files/sample1.coverage.bed"

Example with SQLite database

# setup chanjo and save populate demo database with exon definitions
docker-compose run --rm -v "${PWD}/data:/home/worker/data" -v "${PWD}/data/database:/home/worker/data/database" chanjo-cli bash -c "chanjo init --auto /home/worker/data && chanjo --config /home/worker/data/chanjo.yaml link /home/worker/data/hgnc.grch37p13.exons.bed"
# load sample
docker-compose run --rm -v "${PWD}/data/chanjo.coverage.sqlite3:/home/worker/app/chanjo.coverage.sqlite3" -v "${PWD}/data:/home/worker/data" chanjo-cli bash -c "chanjo --config /home/worker/data/chanjo.yaml load /home/worker/app/chanjo/init/demo-files/sample1.coverage.bed"

## Documentation
Read the Docs is hosting the [official documentation][docs].

If you are looking to learn more about handling sequence coverage data in
clinical sequencing, feel free to download and skim through my own
[Master's thesis][thesis] and article references.

## Features

### What Chanjo does
Chanjo leverages [Sambamba][sambamba] to annotate coverage and completeness
for a general BED-file. The output can then easily to loaded into a SQL
database that enables investigation of coverage across regions and samples.
The database also works as an API to downstream tools like the Chanjo
Coverage Report generator.

### What Chanjo doesn't
Chanjo is not the right choice if you care about coverage for every base across
the entire genome. Detailed histograms is something [BEDTools][bedtools]
already handles with confidence.

## Contributors
-   Robin Andeer ([robinandeer](https://github.com/robinandeer))
-   Luca Beltrame ([lbeltrame](https://github.com/lbeltrame))
-   John Kern ([kern3020](https://github.com/kern3020))
-   Måns Magnusson ([moonso](https://github.com/moonso))
-   Patrik Grenfeldt ([patrikgrenfeldt](https://github.com/patrikgrenfeldt))

## License
MIT. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more details.

## Contributing
Anyone can help make this project better - read [CONTRIBUTION](CONTRIBUTION.md)
to get started!

[bedtools]: http://bedtools.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
[docs]: https://clinical-genomics.github.io/chanjo/
[publication]: https://f1000research.com/articles/9-615/v1
[sambamba]: http://lomereiter.github.io/sambamba/
[thesis]: https://s3.amazonaws.com/tudo/chanjo/RobinAndeerMastersThesisFinal_2013.pdf
[unix]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy