- animilux
- Bradley-Ahn
- ByungjunKimDepartment of Cultural Informatics, Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies
- chmok
- dudwojae
- euisuk-chungKorea University
- gardenk
- haedong31Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
- hansam95
- hj-choi-95
- hsc841123
- hskim0263Seoul, South Korea
- hwk0702Korea Univ. DSBA lab
- hyeryeong5
- Jeong-JaeYoon
- Jiyoon52
- JongKook-HeoKorea University
- jskim0406
- kimsy701
- ljhz123DSBA연구실
- LMJung
- mons2usDSBA, Korea Univ.
- mypoint27
- october25kimKorea University
- pppanghyun
- Saerin-Lim
- sj90hwang
- sjYoondeltarSeoul
- suubkiim
- TooTouchSNU, DSBA lab
- verystrongjoeDataknows
- YongwonJo
- yoolk81
- youngerousUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- yukyungleeKorea University DSBA Lab.
- yun-ss97KakaoBank