A voice controlled tour guiding robot
Totorobot requires the flowing dependencies:
And for simulation:
If you can't install the fetch packages from apt, you can build them within your catkin workspace. On top of a base ROS install, you may need a few additional packages:
sudo apt-get install \
ros-kinetic-opencv-candidate \
ros-kinetic-moveit* \
ros-kinetic-robot-controllers* \
Create a catkin workspace:
mkdir caktin_ws && cd caktin_ws
catkin init
Clone this repo into the source directory, as well as any fetch packages if needed, and build
mkdir src && cd src
git clone
catkin build
To test using the simulation, configure the alexa skills like you would from this tutorial. The skill files are located under the skills folder in the totorobot package.
To start the playground simulation, we'll go ahead and launch it using the gazebo package:
roslaunch totorobot_gazebo totorobot_gazebo.launch
We should be now able to move about totorobot using a joypad, see totorobot_teleop launch files for defaults. You can also launch the rviz interface customized for totorobot using the launch files in totorobot_rviz:
roslaunch totorobot_rviz view_totorobot.launch
To launch the voice logic and touring in the playground simulation, we'll using another launch file to start the tour.
roslaunch totorobot totorobot_tour.launch