
Description: Programs related to Amazon Robotics Challenge(ARC) 2017 implemented using universal robot UR10 manipulator.

Author: Sharath Jotawar Email:

This software is being released under MIT License.

  • Packages:
    • iitktcs_calibration: Package for estimation and testing calibration of 3D sensor with the robot manipulator.
    • iitktcs_controller: System architecture central process which is responsible for control of operations for the manipulator.
    • iitktcs_motion_planner: Package for motion planning algorithms.
    • iitktcs_msgs_srvs: Package for building all ROS messages and service files.
    • iitktcs_pose_estimation: Package for 3D model fitting and pose estimation algorithms.
    • iitktcs_robot_description: Package for xacro urdf robot description.
    • iitktcs_startup_kit: Package for handling operations during training of new set of objects.
    • iitktcs_ur10_ensenso_g2_suction_moveit_config: Moveit package.
    • iitktcs_utils: Package defining additional set of utility nodes.
    • json_maker: Package for writing and reading json files.
    • universal_robot: Package from universal robot.
    • ur_modern_driver: Control package for communication with the universal robot.