Using LoadParcellatedDataInMatlab_Example.m
shilpitju opened this issue · 1 comments
shilpitju commented
Dear Dr. Cole,
I am looking to apply the ColeAnticevic atlas to my data in order to run a parcellated task analysis. I preprocessed my fMRI data using fmriprep and obtain fmri dtseries in fsLR space.
Can I directly use LoadParcellatedDataInMatlab_Example.m on each subject by using the subject's dtseries as the input file? Is there an additional registration step to be used to make the ColeAnticevic atlas individualized?
mwcole commented
Yes, you can use LoadParcellatedDataInMatlab_Example.m to load your dtseries data into MATLAB. Note, however, that you'd want to edit it to exclude the correlation analysis included in the example, since you're planning a task analysis.