
Various models for forecasting Poisson processes with cyclic underlying variability

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Poisson process models

These are models for Poisson processes. Goal is to be able to forecast values in a Poisson process that has cyclic fluctuation in the underlying process. This means that there is an underlying variability to the Poisson process, but the variability is cyclic. Another way of describing that would be there is seasonality to the underlying Poisson process. An example would be the hourly rate of traffic. The process is Poisson, but the underlying process is parameterized as a function of time. In the middle of the night the process is paramaterized differently than during rush hour. This is assumed to be cyclic since it would have the same pattern every day.

Since we want to actually track the data, there are some good models for stochastic systems that have to be discarded since they do not attempt to track the variability, but rather attempt to estimate the mean and variance. Techniques that fall into this camp include GARCH and Kalman filters. This basically leaves us with ARIMA models and the use of a generic model such as LSTM from deep learning, both of which will attempt to forecast the next actual data point.

This experiment entails a cyclic underlying Poisson process that changes. Reason for this is, in the case of the traffic example, there is a difference between weekday and weekend traffic. The goal, of course, is that the model we use will be able to remain relevant when it is exposed to underlying patterns in the process that it has never seen. To judge the fitness of the model, we use the RMSE on a test set and qualitatively observe the residual. The idea being that we want the RMSE to be as small as possible and the residual to appear random, or at least lack evidence of the underlying process.

Since there is seasonality to the underlying model, the assumption is that in all training it would be prudent to train on at least one full season. In practice this seems to work better with at least 2 seasons, and for the notebooks presented they were trained with 3 seasons. The different types of model were trained differently. The LSTM model was trained with an abundance of pre-generated model data, whereas the ARIMA model was trained on the actual test data as a rolling model with the most recent point being the data point immediately preceding the comparison point. To make the plots comparable, you will see that some of the prior data is truncated.

The LSTM model presents some challenges. First, with a random process, we do not have a priori knowledge of the scale. If we make assumptions and shrink the data too much it tends to not train as well. On the other hand, if the test data is larger than the training set it is impossible for the model to replicate the large values. Furthermore, the model does not generalize very well across different underlying processes. It qualitatively captures the essence of the trend, but the RMSE is not good. The residual tends to prominently show the underlying Poisson control. It is also very expensive to train the LSTM. This forces the idea that the model would need to be trained in advance with knowledge of expected process variability. This may not always be possible. Since the model does not seem to generalize well, it does not seem an ideal candidate for this specific use.

The ARIMA model is implemented as a rolling model of the preceding few seasons. While this is somewhat expensive, it is significantly faster than training the LSTM model (seconds versus hours). There is an advantage to the ARIMA model in that it continuously tracks the pattern since it is a rolling pattern model. This seems to perform better than the training all in advance idea that is central to the LSTM model. In theory, so long as the ARIMA model remains compatible with the underlying data, it should retain similar power in fitting and forecasting the new data. Some problems encountered include convergence issues with higher order ARIMA models and a lack of ability to get good RMSE performance. The residual always retains some of the underlying Poisson control process despite using differentiated data to improve stationarity and seasonality performance. If you change to a simpler underlying model using a Gaussian process, both the RMSE and the quality of the residual improve dramatically. This makes me think that the largest problem with the ARIMA model on this data is general incompatibility with the type of data, fluctuating Poisson data.

Between the LSTM and ARIMA model, the ARIMA model performs better, requires significantly less computation time to achieve a result, is much simpler to tune, and is less susceptible to data variability. There may be ways to improve the performance. The specific way that the data is generated here may not be the most realistic. It is step discontinuous rather than smooth with regard to the underlying Poisson characteristic. While the process itself appears to be Poisson, perhaps in practice it is adequate to suppose that it is actually Gaussian. If this hypothesis is true, it is reasonable to anticipate better results. Of course the only way to know is to collect real data and repeat the experiment.

Even by normalizing the Poisson distribution by the mean doesn't affect the quality of the residual. The seasonal undulations are removed, but the variability was nearly identical in terms of the qualitative appearance of a qq-plot. To be fair, this is expected since the variance of the distribution was not normalized, only the mean.

Another mechanism for improvement might be adding time series components to the ARIMA model. Particularly for constant underlying changes in the Poisson process, these could be modeled by a Fourier series. Despite the underlying process being assumed to change, the Fourier terms might help normalize the data and remove some of the artifacts from the residual.