
A Keras project with similarly sized encoder-decoder and u-net networks applied to identifying cars

Primary LanguagePython

Vehicle Recognition Using Encoder-Decoder Networks

This presents two mechanisms for performing segmentation of image data with respect to cars, a classic encoder-decoder and the new U-Net encoder-decoder.

The data source is Udacity's annotated driving dataset. This data is used as a source of images and result masks for training networks to directly map an input image to a car segmentation mask.

The annotations from the datasets have some aspects that are inconsistent and incorrectly labeled. The two datasets have different formats for the .csv files. I added a header to the Autti dataset, replaced the space delimiters with commas and removed the string delimiters from the label. This dataset also has sub-labels for traffic light color, so an extra header column was added for that. Both of the datasets had incorrect identification of the bounds, with xmax and ymin swapped. This is easy to identify by plotting bounding boxes on the original image. If you intend to use this code with these datasets, you will need to udpate the .csv files for both to meet these requirements.

The approach I took to the masking was to generate the masks and resize the images in a completely separate step from training the network. The reason for this is I would prefer to simply have a collection of segmentation training data and not have to decode it each time it is run. I also would like this training set for use in the future without having to remember that the bounding boxes required correction. As a bonus, it loads much faster as small images from SSD. Due to GPU memory constraints I decided to resize to 240x160. This is a slightly different aspect ratio than the original image, but the actual scaled dimension of 240x150 has problems with the max-pooling and up-sampling in the model due to divisibility. For three-channel unit8 feature images and single-channel float32 point label segmentation masks, this yields a total consumption for all 22,065 images of just under 6GB.

For training, the resized images are loaded. The feature images are left as RGB, whereas the label images are grayscale. OpenCV loads our grayscale images as color, so we deliberately have to transform back to grayscale. The label is forced to an appropriate shape as normalized float32. Note pre-initializing numpy arrays for loading, as this conserves memory for large datasets.

Further transformations are defined for the following operations, which are applied by the Keras generator:

  • Luminance to simulate different lighting conditions
  • Translation both horizontal and vertical to simulate different car positions
  • Expansion with unconstrained aspect ratio to simulate different car geometries

All of these are applied to the feature images, but only the geometric transformations are applied to the label images. The transformations are applied in a Keras generator for augmentation. The generator supports batches because batching allows us to train faster by not making backpropagation steps for each feature-label pair. One has to be particularly careful with the dimension of tensors in the translation and expansion. The reason for this is that the masks are pre-normalized, and when OpenCV performs operations on a single channel, the assumption is made to not make the single-dimensional data abstract to multiple dimensions. This is not how TensorFlow sees the world, so we have to reshape it.

The loss function used is the intersection over union measure. Well, the negative of the intersection over union, as the function itself is a goodness of fit function. This simply measures the similarity of the two images by computing the relative overlap. The intersection over union function itself is actually somewhat of a challenge to compute in Keras because conditional counting is difficult. You can easily use the K.map_fn function on a flattened label, but creating a mapping function that returns the right Tensor (and not a boolean Tensor) is difficult. K.switch, for example, does not work without a constructor for a Tensor, and TensorFlow constants are not valid. In any case, the standard trick is to use something like enough to the intersection over union metric in kind, but tractable and preferably fast. The most obvious simplification is to just wave our hands on the specifics of the intersection calculation and just use the product of the Tensors instead of the count of the common support. To simplify this even further, we can replace the union calculation with an estimator that is biased away from zero. These two intersection over union estimators perform differently, and affect hyperparameters differently.

There are two candidate models, both encoder-decoders. The first model is simple and is able to be specified using a Keras Sequential object. The second model is what is called a U-Net because in certain diagrams the model looks somewhat like a U. It is quite similar to the first model, but between similar convolutional layers there is a merge of the layers. This has the effect of allowing deep convolution layers to be merged with more shallow convolution layers, and has been found to help increase performance in segmentation problems (U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation). This model cannot be implemented using a Keras Sequential object because the merging is not sequential.

You will note that the border mode is same. Unlike a network where the top end feeds fully connected layers, with both of these networks we are most interested in preserving the layer size. That is to say, the output prediction needs to be the same size as the input feature image in order for us to be able to compute our intersection over union properly. The simplest way to do this is to use same to make the size under max-pooling and up-sampling invariant when using the same stride.

Given the time it takes to train the network, it is prudent to use Keras' ModelCheckpoint functionality. This saves after each epoch of the loss is better than all previous losses. This ensures that we get the best solution, even when further training fails to reduce loss further, or even increases it.

A test script was added that takes images and applies the segmentation as an overlay.